MT is just hard no matter what

On this account.

I understand it perfectly. You are the one that cant comprehend challenging content is challenging

you dont have the mount at all. so you dont understand the differences between the challenges. or the word challenge

You really have a hard time reading things.

See above

then show it?

Or actually make an argument thats valid.

? i did you dont have the mount.

Haven’t done all 7 mage towers = haven’t done any? Interesting.

They should all be as hard as the bear. It’s supposed to be hard. That’s the whole point.
Then they should be available permanently and there is not problem with them being hard. I haven’t seen any place in game so busy in years. It’s great. People helping each other and sharing resources etc. It’s what an mmo should be.

Yes druids have less mog options but the way to fix that is to give them more mog options. Not nerf the challenges so everyone get it. Like you said the zanda and kt ones should be glyphs. There should be more in general too but the mage tower should stay hard


Me having or not having the mount on this account doesnt invalidate my statement there fore its NOT a valid argument.

I totally agree.

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i know the bear is one of the hardest ones. and others are ez. thats what i been saying.

what kind of logic is this?

surething buddy. keep telling yourself that. druid one is on another level or blizz wouldnt keep missing with it.

the logic of if someone only does agatha they dont understand the other ones

They overtuned them. There’s a difference. As evidenced by the first in an inevitable series of nerfing hotfixes.

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Which is why they should all be buffed up to be that hard. It’s so nice to have something challenging to do solo. I didn’t play legion because of irl things so this is the first time ever I have had something like this to do and they are ruining it by nerfing it.

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I never said the druid one wasnt the hardest. I said challenging content thats labeled as challenging is indeed challenging.

Really should try reading what I satiated.

Its challenging content. Its supposed to be tuned harder and then gradually made easier

and still its being tuned.

I agree, in the sense that it should be challenging. I dont agree that it should be made this challenging for the timeframe its released in, it should be a permanent feature.

You or I may be able to chug through it, but I personally am a fan of such entries as DS3 + expansions, sekiro, and elden ring when it finally comes out. Challenging games are good.

But this is simply overtuned, and I’m sure you can definitely see that.

Especially moreso for people like the OP who represent a much larger playerbase of this game.

The nerfs will come though.

Still doesnt mean its not supposed to be challenging.

I agree it should be left up.

Ehh, its better to overtune and slowly nerf it then to undertune it.

Im sure people will cry enough