Things don’t have to have 0 stats to be cosmetic!
On the subject, change faction by destroying them is kill a culture,so do wish this destruction?
I’m more along the idea of a halfway point. Keep the cities faction specific, but open up the grouping options. There’s no war, but that doesn’t mean let orcs walk down the streets of Stormwind.
For groups, raids, chat, I’m all for opening it up. I don’t know about guilds and absolutely dead set there should be faction specific areas that are off limits to the opposite side.
I don’t see any problems with allowing cross faction PvE as it does happen in lore and it would solve many issues.
However, having two factions is a core element of this franchise and I’d rather it not go away. Also I’m an advid world pvp’er so killing factions would ruin that.
they could just write a story to put us at war again you know. hopefully without the BFA style plot armor though
just because we’re at peace now doesn’t mean anything lol
it’s all about the writers imo. currently there’s no direction for the lore of the game and it’s only been a narrative about sylvannas. They could easily make it horde vs alliance again. there’s still plenty of conflicts - like territories in Kalimdor (ashenvale and the stonetalon regions come to mind).
i also think if they made cross faction play a thing - they could never go back and remove it if they wanted to write another alliance vs horde narrative. so it limits the options. I say no way, factions are way more interesting.
Dirty doggos! Eeeew!
With respect to being able to play together via cross-faction play (such as cross faction grouping for dungeons/raids) and cross-faction communication, I agree there should be less restrictions in place.
I feel guilds could also be given freedom to invite cross-faction IF they enable the option in the guild settings. By default, Alliance members to Alliance guilds and vice versa, but with the option checked, you get to invite opposite faction members into your guild as well.
But with respect to actual game content, such as the existence of the Horde/Alliance and having faction specific zones and quest chains? Sorry, but those need to stay as they are. The factions themselves are a core piece of the Warcraft lore and gameplay. Removing them would be like removing the bacon from a bacon and egg roll. Once you’ve done that, well, it’s not really the same anymore.
Now this guy is a fool. How can I kill horde when there are no Horde? Go back to FF NERD
I rather ,not you have social medias for this already.
You are killing them with horde in your group thanks to merc mode!
Or have WarMode disable those features, and you continue business as usual in PvP
The horde mercs dont kill anything. They leech the free honor for playing alliance. All of their healths are like 28k
Great system huh? This horde vs horde!
No. I have not and never will support ending factions. I would rather see some sort of neutral faction (not sure how well that would work either).
I never did like the system anyway,get rid of it and I’ll be happy.
Who are you to dictate this game? You are just a nobody.
WoW means World of "WAR"craft. It’s about war of 2 factions. WARCRAFT started way before WoW was born. There was this Warcraft: Orcs vs Humans in the beginning and it evolved from there. Warcraft wont evolve into peaceful loving trivial safer World. Or it would become a joke.
You must be in a wrong game. Dont ever suggest WoW to become a joke game.
People like you really ruin this forum for adults that want to have civilized conversations.
If only the moderators would clamp down on toxicity like this…
Don’t talk about yourself like that.
Anyway, Blizzard has already acknowledged there is a faction problem and they are going to work on it.
You may not like the outcome.
Yeah, they will do something about faction imbalance as they would make it balance. And there would be no peace on "War"craft. It would always war between people on it. And that’s the game. They should not benchmark other joke games. WoW is the one being benchmarked. Let them fix the game into that not transform it into a joke.
Faction imbalance wouldn’t be a problem if alliance did what they are supposed to do group up. You can’t even group with your own faction out in the world why do you want to group with horde in open world? Horde have always been better at grouping even for the easiest stuff I see it on my server all the time alli running around alone while packs of horde roll together and they always have. To many solo alli cross faction ending is garbage learn to group up.