Mr. Hazzikostas, Tear down this wall!

I asked a direct question, because you haven’t added anything to this discussion except trolling and attacking.

I didn’t threaten you… That’s called pointing out that others might flag you for your behavior.

Considering you haven’t proved anything except your inability to have a conversation with people and only spout toxic trolling…

I am. You need to stop trolling. You’re the only one who attacked anyone here. Get your own dose of reality. And a new alt to troll more with.

Goodbye. :wave:

Its not possible, and even if you forget about the inconceivable (insert princess bride joke here) amount of coding it would take, it would remove the one thing we can’t survive without, and that’s having an enemy.

Next Xpac
World of Warcraft
“Lets All Get Along”
(prepay now and get a cuddle sword and friendship bracers)

You have to be kidding,and how are we to gear with cosmetics?

Not sure what you mean. So, you consider story line quests as gearing?

As long as Gnomes exist, I’ll always have an enemy.

Right now I’m laughing , :rofl: cosmetic gear.

I know you are upset you missed out on that Worgen gearing! :rofl:

Yeah,no stats and you wish to quest ,go right ahead.

Make guilds have an option to be faction neutral and allow both sides to join and run PVE content together.

Sorry, that gear has stats. Anyway, thanks for the contradiction!

You should let Blizzard know you don’t like not being able to gear in some areas of the game due to questing not available to your race.

I had a yard gnome once, one of those ceramic statues that are like a foot tall, but it disappeared a few weeks ago. Then I got a letter in the mail with a picture of my yard gnome in front of the Cromwell Post Office. Weird cause that’s 3 blocks away.

(note: Cromwell is fictitious, don’t come looking for me there. Unless you have my yard gnome)

edit: oh their called garden gnomes? Crud.

Horde vs Alliance - the Final Battle

Not cosmetics they don’t and you know this but go ahead do your quest with it.

The gear has stats and is cosmetic but it gets replaced at end game so yes cosmetic.

Gnomes are creepy. Their laughs are So squeaky, stuff of nightmares.

You said cosmetic and i do know of worgen gearing because I have one,come again bro.

Good then you know it is for cosmetics!

You’re slip is showing ,and i’m :rofl: cosmetic have 0 stats and why would i on my alts.

Yes, please. in lore we are together several times to beat the greatest evil.