Think they’ll share the day with Lor’themar and Thalyssra? I feel we could do back to back bashes on their behalf.
Or we could be at war with someone else as a United Azeroth.
Not everything in this game has to be Horde -vs- Alliance. That’s been done to death many times over.
Of course,they been from the start .you would know this when you played both factions,but go ahead and blame Alliance for this problem and their switch a ro.
Explain to me why so many alli run solo you invite to groups get ignored I see it with my own eyes
Meanwhile in the only content that constitutes battle between the factions, PvP, you already play against your own faction or can play for the other side with merc mode.
Becoz it’s "War"craft. The game would die like that. There wont be peace. It’s one of the main selling feature of the game. Other MMO wants to have it and you are wishing WoW to get rid of it? You are out of your mind. Keep on dreaming. IT WONT HAPPEN.
Then explain to me why horde been catered to from the start.
Where did I saw there was peace?
I just said we are AT WAR with something else other than each other.
We’ve done it before. We fought the Legion together. Iron Horde? Together. Garrosh? Together.
Yup! That’s what I said, too. I don’t want to see the identity get erased. It’s unnecessary. But the option for people to join a cross faction group for a dungeon or raid sounds like a step forward that fits with lore but doesn’t break the barrier.
ITT: Cross Faction PvE means PvP is deleted from the game.
Yeah Alliance is so bad at grouping that mass groups were being formed to complete weekly wpvp quest that were lagging out zones. Alliance were also camping certain areas in wpvp that blizzard had to hotfix things because Horde complained and still do about it to this day.
Nice,that explains it trickle down economy that didn’t work.
And got backstabbed here and there. Revenge here and there. Darnassus gone. Undercity gone. Keep the war.
I want to play on a war game. What game could I play on a peace game? You want flowers, I would show you my big gun on your face. That’s the game.
Well alli got more better racials besides troll how are they getting catered to now? Racials are a joke anyway now the dps difference is nothing to bad they can’t balance specs like that. Oceanic servers dont say this I guess people in NA love playing villians.
And got nerfed or did you forget that.
Actually, it does, but planned economies didn’t. Let’s take Dick Gebhart’s idea of a millionaire just "going to be another mansion " idea. If a millionaire builds another mansion ,then they must hire a construction crew to clear the land, masonry workers to place the foundation, rough carpenters to construct the frame, finished carpenters to construct the inside, electricians, plumbers, interior designers, and such. All these people get paid for doing a job from one millionaire building “yet another mansion,” so yes, it does "trickle down. Or perhaps a “rising tide lifts all boats.”
If you prefer a planned economy, then you should experience those in Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea.
In all ,let alliance die in it’s own death we don’t need Horde to do it or help because if we do they’ll only stab our back anyway.
For the Horde !
Dark Lady watch over you !
You forgot the rest of society .the rich got richer of the dismay of low income people sending us down to an recession.
I have to imagine this is what/how they do it. Guilds transcend factions. Factions remain. Easy enough while maintaining most everything. Wins all around.