Mr. Hazzikostas, Tear down this wall!

End the factions of Alliance and Horde. It makes no sense anymore.

Players should be allowed to play with each other not base on their factions, but by the desire to have fun and community. Alliance and Horde have worked together throughout the RTS series and WoW, it’s time to end the madness. Pax Azerotha!

Now Mr. Hazzikostas, Tear down this wall!



Faction distinction, questlines and history needs to stay.

Grouping cross faction or having a cross faction guild is fine. It keeps the identity of each side, preserves their history and questing, but allows the grouping for content issues to be resolved.


I feel like this is what most mean when they call for an end to factions. The people that actually want the very concept of Horde and Alliance to disappear entirely feels like a minority. The issue just gets fuzzy because one side assumes the arguments of the other.


I don’t know. I’ve seen a lot of people advocating for just that. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Have you actually played other MMORPGs or the WarCraft series?

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I suspect it’ll happen eventually. Not to the absolute extent though. But at the very least in PvE instanced content the faction divide should disappear.

Yes I have. Rift kept factions and let people group cross faction. Old Republic had a point where they worked together but never joined and they’re still separate. WoW works together to tackle the large issues, but still both factions have different histories, cultures and ideals.


If we just got out of Legion i would deffend it storywise, but after BFA, the factions will stay as part of the story. But we really need faction crossplay.


Honestly with the level of storytelling they have, the factions do not matter much, if they do not think to improve the storytelling better that they send the factions to hell and tell stories that are at their level, the heroes classics for children of 12. Now if they think improve the storytelling, yes, keep them and do something interesting with them from a F time.

I dont think WoW is the game for you.


No. Faction identity needs to remain a thing. If you want cross-faction grouping for PvE, fine whatever. I was against it before, I’m whatever about it now. Indifferent. But do not destroy the factions.


Sadly there isn’t a lot of identity left to keep. The faction war has destroyed all individuality of the races, resulting in watered down versions of anything not Orc or Human.

While grouping would be enough for me, I’d rather go all out. Most expansions have us doing the same quests for neutral hubs anyway; personally I’m at the point that WoW needs pure redesign in regards to how the story and narrative are told. Ideally I’d prefer a World of Warcraft that puts racial identity above factional, but that’s just me.

Oops, looks like I’m one of those people. :grimacing:


I disagree entirely. The amount of storytelling clearly shows their differences in culture, ideals and their very separate identities.

The world we live in works together when it’s necessary, but we’re not all one country.

I think there’s quite a lot.

What changed your mind did you try to get into a key as alliance on a weekend afternoon?

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What are the defining goals of the horde and alliance? None. It’s pointless now. Just let people play the way they want to. Factions have no basis in the story anymore. We’re all working towards a common goal in game and in real life hopefully it’s to meet like minded people and have fun with gaming community. Factions are too divisive at this point with no meaning nor merit.


And that’s fair. From what I’ve seen, it’s Human Potential vs. Orc Chest Thump. Everything else, every other racial identity, has been decimated for the faction war. And that’s my frustration with it, and why I just don’t even care about Horde or Alliance anymore.


There are a lot of cultural nuances and beliefs from all of the zones we play through on both sides.

Though a lot of people forget about that because we’re always so tunneled onto what’s happening in the current expansion.


Alliance and Horde as an identity is DEAD in story.


Honestly, what changed my mind was hearing it was gonna happen anyway and being responsible enough to recognize my one voice isn’t gonna matter. Watcher stating it was something they were looking into all but confirms that they’re going to allow x-faction grouping for things like dungeons and raids.

My biggest fear is the factions being destroyed, as I do not think anything is gained from destruction, and we haven’t even gotten the opportunity to have an expansion which focused on more intricate matters of the factions. As long as Horde and Alliance remain a thing, and there are narrative angles and pursuits within them, that’s fine. I like the War in Warcraft.


Do you have anything of value to add here or do you just want to spout the lastest buzz phrase and not actually give details on anything to have a proper conversation?