I have been living in Australia and New Zealand for nearly 8 years and have done a lot and achieved a lot on my WoW account and Overwatch but its hitting hard that I might be losing all that.
Is there a way for me to transfer regions when I go home at Christmas? Ill be going home permanently.
Thank you.
I don’t believe you can. It’s either deal with higher ping and keep using the account or make a new account for the new region.
Someone correct me if that’s wrong, of course.
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Nope. Not possible.
However, you can play your US/Oceanic account from Europe. Probably be some nasty lag, but shouldn’t be more than 150-300 milliseconds in most cases.
No but you can still access your accounts same as you do now (your latency will be higher )
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I know folks that play on US servers that live in Europe that do fine. They average about 150-200ms pings, which is playable.
It is on the upper end of playable but still.
I am keeping my 20-30ms ping though, thank you very much.
I’m afraid there is no option available that would make this a reality for you. The servers are simply not connected between the regions. You can keep playing on your USA account though, but if you want a EU account it will be completely separate.
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Do you think if I asked them to do it they might consider it?
Its 2019, its not asking for any privileges or special status I literally just want to take my characters Ive worked on for near 8 years and carry on.
Its a heavy weight to start again because this account has done some pretty awesome things. The ping would be unacceptable to play with especially as I am a Heroic Raider and starting to go Mythic. Id happily pay a premium to move my account.
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If the ping to keep playing your account with in EU is truly between 100 and 300 then chances are you’re already used to that same latency playing on OC servers anyways.
Nothing would be different.
Nope. There isn’t a way. Sorry to say.
No we have our own Oceanic servers. 35 ping.
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Not a question of considering or not considering. It’s not possible.
Im going to write a support request to them and ask if there is a way they can do it.
How often do you think this kind of situation presents itself to them?
If they respond that it is not possible then thats fine but I will have to stop playing because its a lot of time and achievements I have gained, rarest of the rare items and mounts etc, it would be wholly demoralizing to have that all taken away.
Its 2019, surely theres a way. We have realm transfers, name and race changes, btag name changes, guild transfers etc…
Hoping and praying. I understand this probably hasnt been done before so its obviously got a 100% fail chance atm but like everything in WoW, theres a tiny chance it might be good news!
Does that mean you’ll start calling them rubbish mobs instead of trash from here on out?
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They will always be trash, just with more diction. Haha.
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You know, despite that I normally say “rubbish” rather then “trash” I have never once accidentally called “trash mobs” “rubbish mobs”.
Well, I guess I have to leave WoW then. I dont want to do it all again and lose everything.
This is kind of sad that it cant be done in this day and age of technology.
We have Elon Musk launching rockets that land themselves back where they left but we cant transfer a character on a video game to another region 

It sure is.
I think I have collected about 920 battle pets, some very rare pets.
Some very rare profession recipes.
Legendary drops from the Old World.
Rare mounts and store bought mounts and pets.
Titles from events.
Its extremely disheartening. Its not as simple as start again.
Whats annoying is when I was last in the EU I could simply switch regions for Overwatch. At least, I think I did. I definitely played it and definitely did not buy another copy… so the region switch technology appears to be implemented for some games.
Well, yeah – Overwatch was created with cross-region play in mind. WoW’s server framework design is from 2004, and predates even the Battlenet platform as it exists today.
Back then, you’d have had pets and mounts limited to single characters, and nothing was account-bound.