Mouse Response Mid Screen

Hi! I’m having trouble moving my screen whenever I click in the top center portion. This is my usual place of clickage, and I’m not entirely sure what could be obstructing it. The issue has persisted after logging in and out and several reloads, as well as with add-ons on and off. Help!


Getting this as well.

Same here as well as 3 other guildies. Right click to move camera doesn’t work the mouse “slides” as if there’s an invisible UI element there. I responded to another thread with a similar issue as well hoping to get some attention to the issue.

Video demonstration: (note that when I shake my mouse right click is held down)


I am getting this as well ever since 8.1, extremely difficult to play with during RBG’s. There is a giant block in the middle of the screen that I can’t click at all, hoping for a fix soon?


Mine got progressively worse the other night. A UI reload seemed to help for a bit, but it always came back and eventually made its way down to the half of the screen. Crazy difficult to play like this. I haven’t seen it happen in raid however, only arena.


Hello Blizzard, any help with this? It’s making the game unplayable.


I have the same thing.

I relogged a couple times, rebooted my computer, updated all my addons, removed them. Nothing seems to work perfectly.

I have a temporary work around though for when this happens. THIS IS NOT A FIX BLIZZARD.

But for now, type /reload and it seems to resolve the issue for me at least for a while but during a 3 hour play session I have to do this a half dozen times or more. It’s not my mouse, or computer, everything works perfectly fine and has only cropped up since 8.1 patch.

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I’m having the same issue, can’t use my mouse to move when clicking anywhere in the center of the screen. This is an issue that needs to be dealt with.


Same issue here. There is a dead space in the center almost as if there is a hidden gump or something there.

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Bumping for visibility. Still occurring, probably gonna miss arena cap/push due to this. I’ve discovered that if my mouse strays into that part of the screen even keybinds on my mouse become unresponsive.


This is the same thing I’m experiencing. Come on blizzard, stop taking my money for a broke game. Monitor your gd forums so major patches don’t seem like a new beta instead of actual content.


ALSO having this issue. It seems to progress - going farther down the screen, but not wider - until I reload client. Absolutely infuriating to restart this game like every 30 minutes for a whole week with no fix.

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Reverted to DX11. I think it might’ve helped, but I haven’t put in a lot of games yet.

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Bump… Same issue here… Tired DX11 and it comes right back as soon as I play an arena game. It is becoming frustrating that blizz has not responded to this issue.

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Have any of you tried a full UI reset? Renaming your cache, wtf, interface folders?

I have the same issue… tried everything… only restarting the game is working but as soon I do an arena the issue came back. very annoying!

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Blizzard read your forums. I’m tired of resetting my ui. I could care less about 8.2. FIX 8.1!

Still no fix for this, bump. Was fine all day, did ONE arena - bam, unresponsive rectangle in the middle of my screen.

Bump. Got it again without pvping this time. Woke up, did darkshore, now boom rectangle.