Mouse cursor “sticking”

same 10char

Hi, so my character/account (Horde-Dott, Realm-Cho’gal) is experience this cursor sticking bug as well. Thought it was just my own mouse and that it would resolve itself. Ended up blowing 3 visions runs because of this sticking nonsence and now I’m out a weeks worth of visions. So am I just SOL on that, or is this going to be fixed? Is there any way I can get my 30k visions back so I can actually play through my runs properly?
Thanks for the support.

Same issue here. I was convinced that maybe there was cat hair lodged in my sensor, but it’s clear that this only happens within the game.

I can trigger it by selecting or mousing over objects, like everyone else is describing. BUT I can also trigger it (not as easily), simply by moving my cursor across the screen and tapping the right mouse button.

Even with no selectable object in sight, the cursor will get stuck and vibrate in place.

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You’re right, Naptown. There’s another thread around here describing how you can reproduce this bug 100% of the time even without a selectable object.

Same issue for me also. Since yesterday 7/21/2020, my mouse has been acting strange. Fluttering/wiggling occasionally. I have spent countless hours on this G9x mouse and never had this problem until the wow reset day. I am a healer and this is terrible to deal with. Very frustrating :frowning: Please Blizz, hotfix this.

I have the same issue. Happens with both the Logitech G502 and Logitech G600 we use. Can be very frustrating.

Same issue since latest update
Can consistently get it to happen by spamming left or right click and then trying to move the cursor

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exact same issue :frowning:

Something helpful for everyone here, if you single click (left or right) only then you can somewhat play the game again. I am a big spammer I’ve come to realize so this almost made the game unplayable, but I’ve slowly focused my patience and have been single clicking as best I can. It’s not great and it still sucks, but I was able to run a key and do some higher rated pvp without losing my mind at the very least.

Hopefully there’s a fix soon!

Edit: OK, I was wrong, I am able to reproduce it with single clicks too, it appears to be a timing thing. If I click and move my mouse quick enough so that the camera very slightly moves I can’t get the bug. If I click and wait a 1/3rd of a second then move, I can’t get the bug. But, if I click, then move the mouse as quickly as I can WITHOUT making the camera micro jitter, I can reproduce this 100% of the time. So to workaround this bug, you’d have to click and wait half a second then move the mouse… Wow, that is a nasty bug


Coming here to post that this is still an extremely gamebreaking issue, and that I’m experiencing the exact same thing showcased in the Growl and Thd clips periodically.

I’m experiencing the same issue.

I’ve reset my Interface, Cache, and WTF folders, and set graphics to low, tried with V-sync on and off. Issue persists throughout.

I am able to reliably reproduce the issue:

  1. Double click anywhere in the game world (not in the UI) (Edit: With either the left or right mouse button)
  2. Immediately after the second click, slowly and smoothly move the mouse in any one direction without stopping.
  3. Intended: The mouse cursor moves across the screen. Actual: The mouse cursor begins to move across the screen, then snaps back to where it was. This “inappropriate mouse snap” continues until the mouse stops moving.

My first thought is that the game isn’t properly engaging and disengaging mouse lock for the purposes of panning the player’s camera (and turning the character).

(Note: I doubt that interactive objects have anything to do with it. I think players notice interactive objects because they tend to want to click on them.)

This is on the Retail version of WoW rather than Classic. (Edit: I have not tried to see if the issue is on Classic.)

thank god

im not alone in this bug journey

Same issue as everyone else in this thread. So many people are having this problem and no blue replies yet. Fantastic.

oh man, same issue here. glad i’m not the only one though.
i knew something was off after that last patch, thought i was going crazy. lol

Still happening to me. Makes it very difficult when you are healing in keys.

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Wow I am relieved its not just me. Absolutely unplayable trash.

I guess it is just a small indie developer though. Mouse stuff must be difficult after only 15 years of subscriptions paying for the game.

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All these replies and still not one blue post giving a fix or even saying yes we acknowledge the problem and are working on it currently smh…

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Have a video showing what it does on my end but the main poster has a darn fine example of the issue itself. PLEASE FIX. The game is completely unplayable with any kind of mouse bug/issue but this makes it doubly so.

I’m having the same issue as well - would appreciate a fix.