Mount doesnt say any difficulty any more

They did prove they’re listening.

They seen our grievance, knew we were right, then fixed it on the sly.


Disappointing, but not unexpected given the radio silence on this. So there’s no reason for many people to participate in S4 now. Nice experiment.


On the plus side, my dragon knight just defeated Molag Bal.


For one ground only mount among literal hundreds you can acquire without stepping into an instance, one such mount nobody will ever use outside of the patch it drops in and only within Oribos, you will leave?

Yeah you were already a foot and a half out the door.

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Why’d you reply to me to strawman then?

It’s a good thing I’m not comparing them…

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Speaks volumes of the state of the game if that’s all it takes :dracthyr_yay_animated:


This and the Soar nerf won’t be forgotten in the times of them claiming that they’re listening when they clearly aren’t to a point here.

I wonder what they’ll pull out of the goodwill basket this time to get out of this controversy?


Oh just before the dawn a night the truth comes ,nice going.

You quite literally are with your argument saying I think they should apologize for every tooltip change :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Im not unsubbing because of the mount.
Its because they spent months showing it as being from lfr, and then refused to address their mistake, but stealth change it.

The company says they are changing but i only see their scummy old ways staying put


But they are listening. Just not to us. They listen to the 1%. They create things around the race to world 1st so them doing crap like this isnt a surprise. Blizzard is a joke of a company and i cant wait for them to fail and kill this game


I am pretty sure they already killed it on their own. Everyone always talks about WoW killers but the real one is right in front of us, it was never going to be a different MMO.

Most of my friends have basically moved on and are happy on XIV or GW2 right now, they would like to come back and have expressed mild desire to do so, but they know they can’t, nothing has changed and seemingly never truly will.


I would have left years ago if it wasn’t for raids and m+ with my guildies.


They are still on the road to fail regardless of all their promises to change


That’s not a comparison, that’s me asking a question, which for some reason, you refuse to answer

It’s NORMAL for crying out loud. WTF does this 1% have to do with that? For all you know, LFR only players might be the 1%, you do not know.

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Well. You 500,000 players can have each other.


Still a succesful mmo, and with people that care about playing with each other so… :man_shrugging: ok?

Because you know that’s not remotely comparable :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

They had language saying all difficulties. It wasn’t all difficulties. Instead of owning the mistake they try to hide it with a stealth change. That’s it. That’s all there is to it.

The “all tooltip changes should come with apologies” thing is just goofy.


Those that raid above LFR are at most 30%
So they are the minority

The 1% and the 99% are a thing regarding wealth so i assume its not to be taken literally but to signify the minority