Mount doesnt say any difficulty any more

true casuals won’t even know it existed at all.

the 1%ers who pretend to be the majority and throwing a tantrum will be forgotten in a week.

Actually theres several places to go, including the much hyped FFXIV which has some sort of spiel to advertise it, which I dont remember.
There’s ESO. Theres GW2. New World nut I dont know much about thay and some others.
Theres even the brand new servers EQ2 has opened up if a player wants some old school mmorpg fun. I believe FF11 is still open as well, and older games like Rifts, ect.
It all depends on what each player wants from their mmorpg gaming experience and where they personally choose to find it.

In Bottom’s defense I think he was just using the test thing to make a point to me about false equivalencies.

At least we can both agree that the wording of the achievement (until recently) most certainly implied that LFR was included and that anyone who’s upset about this change (although we might disagree on what level of upsettedness is warranted) is justified.

Hopefully we just disagree on whether or not LFR even “deserves” to have such a reward attached to it.

I got one just after release, I was lucky. I wasn’t going to pay an exorbitant fee from someone on Craigslist or Amazon at an inflated price.

After this that would be helpful ,indeed.

Yes ppl will adapt or fold… but why is everyone calling the opposition 1%? Is that back in fashion… ugh

Makes you wonder what would have happened if nobody asked in that post?
Would they have seen LFR players getting it(because the achievement would still be “any”) and start retroactively taking it away?


Same. All 200 of us will rise some day.


Is it saints row?
Ive 2 weeks off for that.

Well, technically i took my time for my birthday but it overlaps

sigh… it took me 5 min to find communities to help go from LFR to normal raiding without a guild… people just had to put 5-30 min of effort in and instead they complained. LFR is tutorial island imo… shouldnt count for achievements

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They didnt address the fact that the achievements said ANY DIFFICULTY and that for months after the info was data mined and the achieves are in the Live version of the game. And then all the conversation and arguing about it since it was ANY but suddenly not anymore.
THAT’S what needs to be addressed.
But it wont be so.

Bingo Tovi…you hit the nail on the head…

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I’m watching Redlettermedia’s Star War’s prequel review and they reminded of one one of the dumbest scenes in SciFi history.*

*Disclaimer: I’m not including B-rated (or lower) SciFi movies.

Anyways, in the second one, when Padme is asleep in bed and that robot drops two bugs into her room, why doesn’t the robot instead shoot her in the face while it has the window open?

God these movies are so bad.

I think if they did do the LFR and not get the mount it would be a disappointment ,more fuel for the fire isn’t good.

Oh, jeez. Was this just the Dream thing but with WoW? I actually find this more insulting.

If I may ask what item level are you asking players to be at in order to run this right now my highest geared is my Vulpera BM Hunter at 248 and being just normal I can at least try to gear up bit more if need be.

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Just get as high as you can (pun intended) and send me a whisper or friend request and we figure something out bud.

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248 is more than enough for current normal. So with the new normal: Just grab some freebies from M+ if youre uncertain given the ilvl increase.

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Ok. Kaivax comes here and say : Sorry guys, oversight about the achievement, should have been normal.

What does it do? Nothing at all. You guys still complain that it’s not LFR.

There’s literally no point. And will they have to apologize for every single mistakes they do? Cause they’ll be on forums more than fixing the damn game.