MOTHER not showing me Corruption

I have 12k Echoes but Mother isn’t showing my corruption. I can see them on my Alt. Is this a bug?

It is a bug atm. Try joining a group with someone who can see the corruptions on MOTHER. That seems to be working.

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Confirmed that yes, we have a bug that is interfering on a few realms.

This is not an account or character issue, and we’re planning to do realm restarts overnight to straighten it out.

Please don’t worry- we still have three days until the list changes.

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Now about those echoes quite a few of us haven’t been able to receive since they were introduced…


Forget it, they don’t care about the player base that actually does the little content they put out.


Oh I know, already got my refund for Shadowlands because they are going to end up royally screwing up covenants and Torghast


Oh hell nah this makes me worry more that we only have three days.

the new communist blizzard is made in china zero quality control.
game not working is fine no big deal it’s not like we pay a sub for things to work properly.


the list is going to be changing every 3-4 days from now on. same schedule as the lesser assaults, so better get used to it.

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Oh it’s not the three day changes I am worried about, it’s the fact there is a bug in the system on day 1 and there is only 3 days to sort it out.

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you can still earn the currency, so as long as they get it sorted before the 3 days ends you would still have just as much a chance to buy stuff from the first round as you do if you could see em right now.

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They already delayed it because there were issues before it was even released. And about an hour after reset I took an alt into Uldum to do the cloak chain, I could not click the control panels to change the direction of the lasers. Who knows what else is already broken and what is going to be further broken down the track.

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if it’s an alt you can skip most of the cloak chain though, not excusing the bug

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I know that, but not the point. That is my 4th alt I have taken into that instance and only after they make some changes to corruption am I not able to do that part, coincidence maybe, but very bad timing for that to happen.

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Try entering with WM On. I was with WM Off and I couln’t see nothing until I switched on

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Could work, I seen it all though, could interact with the 6 outer control panels, and could mouse over the 2 smaller ones I needed to interact with, just they were not interactable at this time. Very, very strange coincidence for it to happen just after reset when they are making changes to a corruption system that this quest chain relates to.

My guildmates told me to try that also. It did not work for me.

This is why you don’t rush stuff out with less than 24 hours notice.

Now in fairness they may have been working on this for weeks. That’s possible. Was this ninja’ed onto the PTR? Did we all just not notice?

And why not list all the corruption tokens and don’t worry about this artificial “6 weeks cycle” before you can see these specific tokens again? Is MOTHER already tired of carrying Azeroth on her back and adding lots of corruption token will be like straw that broke the camel’s back? :thinking:


and if you can’t fix it in time or the bug persists, maybe just leave the list of corruptions entirely up for the whole week rather than having two cycles per week?