Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

Yes,they did changed it,I went through a alt you wouldn’t get them from emissaries caches nor world bosses without going through the questline now.

This does not imply that there are any plans to fix this problem. i have 475 legs with bis stats sitting on my character, a 12% haste ready to put on them, and i cannot. i don’t even remember if they had a corruption on them back in the day.
Are you going to fix this problem?

They’re not incompetent. They know since you already play so much on your main you will have 0 echoes and will keep the sub going for another month of rotations before you can buy all your expedient r3 when it comes up again. Really fun coincidence, the vendor rotation cycle and the subscription are the same time period.


How do you make corruption and NOT expect players to eventually want vendors to negate the main problem they have with the system.

  • The limit of 6 corruptions from the vendor has got to be the pettiest thing I’ve seen on this game from a game design decision.
  • Why put a rotation of different corruptions available for purchase other than to deliberately try to milk the player week-in and week-out of their time? It’s disrespectful to us subscribers.

All i would like to know is why when you put in a vendor for people to get “what they want” do you only put a select few purchasable at a time? That is probably the worst idea you could have done when implimenting this “catch up mechanic” for corruption blizzard. If you want to do the rotation 2 times a week then put half the corruptions up for the first part of the week and the other half up the second part. you’re honestly making a lot of people upset with this poor choice of the way you made this addition. It could have been so much better and now you’re forcing people to wait to get their “catch up mechanic” in place. Time gating a catch up mechanic makes it not a catch up mechanic at all but just another tedious thing that people have to farm the currency and wait for just like the cloaks. please fix this.

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If they didn’t want people to freak out about this, they shouldn’t have implemented a vendor with a limited time rotation of stock.


The main problem they are having now is the fact that people can only choose between 6 of the 52 different corruptions and all their ranks on a 2x a week rotation meaning all those mains who weren’t able to earn the echoes because they had the essences before echoes were even a thing will be forced to wait a full month now before they can even consider getting rank 3 twisted appendage or any high cost corruption due to not having enough echoes before it resets.

When will healers get something other than a stat to make corruption important and noticeable?

And, why is avoidance in my healing loot spec?

BTW TF/WF was way better than this system.

I have one question for the devs: Why do you have this compulsive need to add RNG everywhere?

Because you see, there is this strange thing called “the fun”.
We could have the fun to make any build of corruption we wanted but no, we have a time gating mechanic supposed to be a catch up.

Well great news, it’s not a catch up mechanic now and this messy system is not fun at all.

I wonder when you will get that RNG everywere is a chore and will make your customers to leave tired of this.


Exactly. If they wouldn’t have created this sense of urgency with the rotation, it wouldn’t be as big of a deal. People who weren’t able to stockpile echos wouldn’t be on such a limited and punishing time crunch.

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Fear of Missing out, time pressure and rotation all in one.

Gee…what could go wrong? And this is a prime example of trying to squeeze juice out of a dried lemon aka this old patch all for time played metrics.

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Oh, you highly suggest it, do ya? I upgraded 4 cloaks to 15+ roughly a week ago. I did runs for days. And now most of the echos that I got from those upgrades are worth next to nothing because you gave a whole 1-2 days warning that you would do this and I was away from the game for a day?

I had over 10,000 echos among freshly upgrade alts which had quite a few essences still missing. Thanks for the heads up, bruh. Appreciate ya all c’ring so much.

Cause it would have been soooo hard to just make a new currency to buy this new item type you put in the game. You NEVER do that. No, no, I get it. We already have too many currencies to keep track of, right? That’s your “explanation”?

I am sure you’ll have enough gimps coming to your defense, you bloody sadists.

Since you gave sooo much warning, how about at least refunding some of the coalescing visions if they were spent in the past 10-15 days? How about refunding 1/2 of them?


Never. Ineffible is pretty decent for most healers (I’ve not gotten lucky enough to ever get one, all I get is DPS stuff, and still not good ones).

I’ve wondered why this is in for anyone that isn’t a Tank spec. Ain’t it fantastic to get that Avoidance Rank 3 on your, otherwise, BIS DPS whatever! WOOT!

They are both garbage systems. I’m just happy both systems will be gone in Shadowlands with no new anything to replace them.

I guarantee you that you will hate Shadowlands. You come here for the torture. And you stay after you get it. They reduce the pain when too many people’s pain threshold makes them leave. By the end of the expansion, you’ll be convinced that they finally “get it.”

But they always get it. The game is here to torture you. Are you not entertained?

Why cant we turn in war resource currency for these tokens? I have 40k on this guy alone and have absolutely no use for it.

very glad that because i had all of the essences prior to this change that i wasn’t able to collect echoes leading up to now!!

my friend went into this vendor change with 25k echoes and i started with 0 :stuck_out_tongue:


When i take a look at the gains, i find the corruptions far too costly.
It would have been bearable if there isn’t a rotation but there is, so such a high cost is unacceptable.

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Why would you think that?

Why is cloak ranks 8-11 requiring 4 pages, a full clear to upgrade in one run? That is a very steep order at that insanity resistance and lack of Titanic Research Archive skill ups.


I wish we would have been given more notice regarding these changes, especially about the Echos and essences. I have not been slouching on purchasing essences for alts, but I had enough for two that I was still debating for the time being, and now I can’t even buy one. Whoever is in charge of implementation needs a reality check because this whole thing is a giant mess and not acceptable for a company like Blizzard, even with people working from home.