Most people do not want Fresh Servers

No, the OP. He’s always trolling

Ah, okay. I understand.

I wouldn’t want to be forced into a fresh server, but really though how do you know what most people want?

How can y’all say “fresh will never work” after the crazy success that was fresh Classic servers?

If they put out 1-2 fresh servers why does it bother you guys so much? People can either start fresh on those servers or you can progress with characters you have on your server. Why are there so many hypocrites on these forums?


I doubt anyone is against 1 time only fresh tbc servers that you cannot boost on or transfer to. The issue is that people are also talking about “infinity looping” classic servers that will just only last for a season and then be gone forever. So people can redo the initial phases of classic 8 million times. They don’t want to be on a dead realm and redo it. They want the whole re-release of every phase over and over again. And they expect everyone else to pay the bills. It’s a private server thing but they expect blizz to do it indefinitely. Two very different things. Lol

PoE is probably the worst example you could ever give of a game that thrives off seasonals, outside of a new league the game can’t even put 50k people on steam, it releases content cycles in 4 month gaps and the final 2 months of the content it has like 25% of the players it had on launch, those servers are as dead as fried chicken by the 8 week mark and never recover, only to be reset by a new “fresh” for another 8 weeks til that one is dead too.

All in all it sounds very good for a game like wow that can’t even get off the ground in 8 weeks…

Because people want fresh for a very specific purpose. Fresh won’t fulfill that purpose, and yes I’m making a distinction between a Fresh realm and starting classic over from phase 1,

What purpose is that?

A reset of the economy basically. All that it will really do is eventually allow someone to transfer in and take over the economy once the transfer restriction is lifted or allow that same type of player to transfer that realm to take resources from them and then transfer to a higher inflated realm to sell those goods.

So what? You aren’t required to do the same.

How? They’d be on a completely different server. How does that ruin the game for you?

Untrue. People like me merely enjoy the journey to end game rather than just the end game. You assume everyone played private and that’s just not so.

Because we are more about having fun and making friends with lots of new people. It’s like moving to a new neighborhood and growing up again with friends old and new. It’s about having fun our way, which by the way, has no effect on you.

That’s pure speculation, how do you even assume this, are you psychic?

But you are assuming. You assume everyone who would like the option is just like that jerk.

Dude, live and let live.

if mods hadn’t done some busy work already this morning i could show you how many times i was flagged in a certain thread for daring to have a different opinion. the posts dude made where he was harassing me and some other people are still there though. i made some snide comments in this thread after being brow beaten for hours by someone who sees me as toxic because i don’t agree with them. i shouldn’t have framed it that way, yeah. but after a certain point it’s just exhausting.

Why do you care so much? Let people play what they want to play.

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Fresh server players would be months behind progressive servers economically. I don’t see a huge danger.
Even so, just don’t allow fresh to Xfer.

imagine coming to forums to complain about the fact there are tons of people that want fresh. classic would not have happened had it not been for private servers which are full people who replay FRESH realms over and over again.

FRESH is 100% better than level 58 boosts. Adding a few fresh servers for the people that want it absolutely affects nothing for people who wanna continue classic characters, so why come here to cry about it?


this is how you sound, why would someone who didnt play classic want to come and play on servers with ruined economies where everyone had a mage alt for farming in classic and will all have epic flying mounts the day they hit 70. THAT will take away from the experience more than anything else.



This is a topic I see a lot and I’m actually little confused of how people are actually seen at when people say fresh servers.

Because when I hear the term fresh servers I’m thinking it’s literally that a fresh server a new server that nobody’s on.

It gives people the freedom to start from square one that don’t wanna deal with All the bots and the economy and things of that nature but.

No one’s actually forcing people to go on that though so I don’t I’m I’m a little confused of what you mean when you say.

I mean if some people want that fresh experience I don’t see the issue with it I mean I personally I’m not gonna go on one but I’m not everybody.

I am a little like why would it mean it doesn’t change the fact that servers are still progressive it’s still a burning crusade server.

It’s just a fresh one So how would it affect other people On a progressive server the only thing I can see is people would go from that server.

That are currently on to the fresh server but that certainly doesn’t mean they’re gonna leave their other character there either I mean II don’t get it?

The only thing I can think of are you worried about everybody leaving your server and it becoming dead?

That’s the only thing I can think of


read the post above the one you just posted. your idea of fresh and the one being talked about in this thread are two entirely different things.

I still dunno what “fresh” even is:

also you haven’t played tbc i take it because mages are nerf batted to uselessness in terms of their farming/AoE potential. everyone will be botting/selling boosts on PALADINS in tbc. :stuck_out_tongue:

i more mean the people who have had mages throughout all of classic and have thousands of gold. further pushing the point that the economy is terrible in classic and people who didnt play much are going to be starting very far behind. ill edit to be clearer. lol