Most of the complaints here are about PvP servers

Are you trolling or are you really this thickheaded?

Compared to Vanilla, however, it’s pretty much par for the course until players leave the server, reroll or transfer (once available).

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You can’t have both. What you seem to want is “unbalanced” pvp that is still mostly balanced.

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No I’m not trolling. Are you?

Yeah. I logged in to multiple guildies getting camped in Stone Talon, DustWallow Marsh, and Un’Goro. A 80 man Raid was outside Org - TM and South Shore was still popin off and peeps were getting murders coming off the flight in Kargath.

Quit playing the victim on a PvP server. You’re not - and if you say you are you’re a liar. This phenenom may not last forever - so enjoy the moment - or not up to you. You can do something else.

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I want Blizzard to step in and address the issue. I don’t like waiting in queue for 2 hours and then spend another hour trying to do ANYTHING.

So just thickheaded.

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Why not? It’s what you just claimed to like.

The queues are a different issue and it’s silly to conflate the two.

No need to be a jerk. I’m not thickheaded either. Are you?

There’s no logic to support that players will suddenly pour into a small faction (or leave a large one) to fill the gaps. It basically boils down to you disregarding a totally reasonable problem simply because it doesn’t affect you.

Where as users like myself actually suggest possible solutions; you do nothing of the sort and just defend the problems.

Someone remind me how many lvl 60s with top-tier gear existed this time back in 2004? Because if it’s exactly the same as it was before, the answer would be double-digit percentages.

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I wasn’t speaking hypothetically. I was speaking anecdotally. I only ever rolled on two PvP servers. One I left right away. The other one had friends on so I rolled there.

When we started out (new server) there were more Alliance than Horde. Within two months, that changed completely. To this day, it’s still Horde-heavy.

I don’t claim to understand why this happened. But I do know people left to roll on PvE servers. Some rerolled Horde. When paid transfers were allowed, many players left for other servers.

Of the players who left with transfers, most were Alliance who went to Alliance-heavy servers.

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Classic has the unique situation of having servers MUCH larger than the largest servers of all Vanilla servers. This creates a situation where its possible to have enough people from a majority PvP faction farming every inch of every zone. This was something unheard of and impossible back in 2005-2006.

I’m not even sure if what goes on during 2pm-11pm server time could be described as PvP. It’s PvE for the majority faction. It’s suicide for the minority faction.

In Vanilla the faction imbalance wasn’t bad.
ALSO the max populations on servers weren’t even anywhere near a number that would make an imbalance bad.

In the xpacs that the faction balance was bad, it never really mattered because world PvP wasn’t really enough of a focus to make it oppressive. In WotLK you actually had in-game faction caps in Wintergrasp.

To be fair, no one likes getting ganked. So this is an objectively dumb conclusion.


If you don’t play on a pvp server in classic at the moment(and I don’t mean your level 14 alt in Westfall) then you have no idea what’s going on

So it’s easy for you to say “dur how could you not see this happening. Should’ve rolled a pve server…pvp happened” or some other copy paste bullcrap response.

I have no problem being the underdog on a pvp server but at this state of the game it’s really difficult to do anything productive


I’m gonna stop you there. We knew months before the server names were even announced that the servers were going to hold significantly more people than Vanilla servers. Blizzard stated as much, when they told everyone that was the reason layering was going to be in the game. We knew the realms were going to be crowded.

As for the ratio? There were signs that certain realms were going to be gravely lopsided before the servers even opened, after name reservations went live. When the servers did go live, and it became clear that there were plenty of imbalanced realms, you had plenty of time to reroll on other realms, or even transfer to other realms during the high queues.

You chose to roll PvP. You chose to play on a realm even a little research would show was unbalanced. You chose to remain there, instead of rerolling or transfering.

That’s all on you. You made your bed. Lie in it.

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0/10 troll, try harder.

look out, big boy over hyeh. nah, i think we’ll continue to let blizzard know it’s not in their financial interest to keep this gankfest going. lol the way you wrote, it sounds like you think OP had carnal knowledge of your mother


Lmao it’s always the sassy lfr blood elf’s talking the most trash.

Well, I’m a lazy bastard, and didn’t want to change to my Classic character. But hey, now that I’m on this one, I’ll repeat. Y’all chose this. Y’all chose to roll PvP. I’m just sitting here chilling as I farm cloth and scourgestones from undead, relaxing PvE style.

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Which goes back to my point in another post. You don’t actually know what’s going on or how it is on a pvp server atm if you’re on a pve server atm.

Everyone that rolled a pvp server is fine with getting ganked from time to time. Me personally my hard limit is 3-4 corpse run and I’ll afk or log

Some complaints are exaggerated sure but some are legitimate concerns but hey sure, if your fellow wow community player is unhappy it’s non of your business since you are on a pve server right?

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I’ve already commented on your other points. Ganking is inevitable on a PvP server, so it’s objectively dumb to complain about it.