And all of them are the same complaints we’ve all heard for years.
PvP happens on a PvP server.
There has always been faction imbalance.
If you don’t like getting ganked, roll on a PvE server.
And all of them are the same complaints we’ve all heard for years.
PvP happens on a PvP server.
There has always been faction imbalance.
If you don’t like getting ganked, roll on a PvE server.
Prolific stuff. Thanks for your valuable insight.
Very original topic and statement.
As are most of the topics here.
So I should make another post complaining about being camped and the server being imbalanced to counteract this post right? Brb
Please don’t. There is already a proliferation of them.
Wow Velera that’s really cool you’d say that because all of them are the same complaints we’ve all heard for years.
PvP happens on a PvP server.
There has always been faction imbalance.
If you don’t like getting ganked, roll on a PvE server.
True, if you don’t want to get ganked then pvp server isn’t your best choice…but I’ll still forever hold the level 60s on both factions who camp people 10 levels lower than them as true IRL human scum…
Are you the type that equates getting shot with a BB gun to being shot with a 9mm?
That’s what you got from that? ROFL.
Getting ganked and camped from time to time isn’t really the same thing as the world being shut down for your faction alone. Usually it’s pretty back and forth, not completely one sided.
I’m lucky my server is more balanced - it still happens here, but it’s nowhere near as bad as on some other servers.
This. It’s not just you getting ganked frequently, but you literally cannot go from one side of the world to the other without a fat stack of corpse runs. Even mage portal rooms are being camped.
It’s fun being camped and spending 40+ minutes trying to get to your raid.
I agree with all the complaints.
I just don’t understand why people roll on PvP servers, knowing these things are going to happen.
Actually most are about huge faction imbalances, a problem Blizzard helped to cause then left to rot. There’s a big difference between “I get killed sometimes” and “I get ganged and camped constantly because the realm is 30/70.”
I didn’t know there were going to be 9,000 people on the server and that the bulk of them would be Horde - preventing me from doing anything.
I just landed in the Burning Steppes and there’s a Horde group camping the flight path and preventing you from running. I’ve died three times and made it 100 yards.
Being outnumbered shouldn’t be a problem for multiboxers.
That was always a problem. I had some toons on a horde-heavy server and really felt sorry for Alliance who often got ganked/camped in neutral zones, and elsewhere.
Faction imbalance is nothing new.
I still don’t understand the appeal of leveling on a PvP server. It’s not fun, for the most part; it’s not much of a challenge, since most of the players that attack you are much higher level than you.
IF players of equal (more or less) level played against one another in the open world, it would be a different story.
But as it is, BGs at least brought THAT balance to PvP. Occasional overworld PvP battles at landmark locations such as XR, Astranaar, SM lobby, Maura and elsewhere, happened often enough to satisfy my thirst for PvP.
PvE servers offer everything except you constantly being subject to attack. And if you like, you can perma-flag yourself on a PvE server.