Morhaime Apologizes to Women

You’re a weirdo.

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You smell funny.

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404 - Page Not Found

Has the forum massacre begun? Gotta make those forums look squeaky clean for the lawsuit, right? :wink:

Trust me–There will be a forum purge of anyone who isn’t 100% white knighting Blizzard in this debacle.


As you can see from the link’s wording, the staff restored this post. They also restored the other post I made about the lawsuit.

I guess someone’s heard of the Streisand effect.

Funny, but definitely not PC.

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Well, it’s 404-ing for me.

Yeah, probably can only read it from my account.

“/flagged-post-restored-by-staff/” is the important bit.

Why? Did they shadowban you?

Because it was a notification to me.

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And I’m still holding, based on history, that a forum purge is coming.

  1. Kalganism (BC season 3) saw many banned for standing up to a blatant change so Kalgan could be “rockin’ his S3 weapon” in a week or something akin to a short period of time.

  2. People were banned for daring to stand up against RealID here before Blizzard caved.

  3. LGBTQ+ posters were banned for daring to say that Corpsegrinder was wrong and that the incident was not a “ha ha funny joke.”

History tells us a forum purge is coming. The white knighting people won’t be banned.

Wouldn’t surprise me.

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Nearly every one of your posts on this entire forum are you looking for something to be offended about. I cannot imagine going through life being perpetually offended by every single thing I read on the internet.


Nonsense! I enjoy spending time hanging around people who dislike and judge me for everything I do, from sitting they way I do on the subway to wherever my eyes are pointed at any given time.

I absolutely relish having my every movement inspected and investigated by folks who want to make absolutely sure I don’t live up to their particular parameters.

I mean, who doesn’t love that?


Tell us you’re on a list without telling us you’re on a list.

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What list? I AM THE LIST, lol

Their “verdicts”??? Who are these vile, vicious people and how are they “ruining” anyone at Blizzard’s life?

Mob justice tends to render such outcomes. It remains to be seen whether any of that will come to fruition at Blizzard.

Tell me how hard one has to look? Then tell me I shouldn’t be pissed off.

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Stop being pissed off. It shortens your lifespan.