Morhaime Apologizes to Women

It’s ok. We’ll just all get banned for saying sexual harassment up to and including a possible sexual assault while at work is wrong…

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If words on screen from random strangers on the internet affect you at all, much less that badly, then for your own mental well being you really need to take a break from the internet.

Tell that to the Fox News viewers…

But you knew that; you were simply being disingenuous.


Never watched it. But now you have me wanting to check it out. :rofl:

You should. Also: Newsmax,

So words don’t mean things when they’re written down?

Never even heard of newsmax. All of them are just fake entertainment channels.

I miss Walter Cronkite.

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Lest we forget, you are the one who posted about crying about everything and not listening to your own parents when they told you that you need to grow up. :rofl:

Literally what???

“Don’t be upset about people being assaulted by their bosses. And just shut up when incels try to throw their crap around!”



Most, if not all, news people are in that business. Kinda defines it.

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It’s the more “PC” method of saying, “Are you on your…”

They actually figured out that was incredibly sexist, so now it’s a generic feelings post to denigrate you.

Here’s the kicker–They then report you and get you banned when they finally troll hard enough to make you lose your cool.

This is why high Quality doesn’t exist at Blizzard anymore and why the games actual BETA state begins at launch day live.

Additionally the Blue post that responded to my assumption that they outsourced their GM’s actually makes more sense now.

The incoherent responses from GM’s and blatant automated look is directly the result of a culture of worker who doesn’t.

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Actually, before you make any more ridiculous assumptions, I was referring to this quote right here:

Yeah, I kinda got the idea this was the case when I played Legion. They basically throw whatever into the game and then the players sort it out amongst themselves as they play.

By the time Legion got into a “balanced” state of play, it didn’t matter anymore. We were already about 3/4ths through the expansion at that point and it just because a game of spec juggling.

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Most folks do this. It’s nothing new. It’s also why a lot of “mods” on various platforms are unreliable because people are clever and will find ways to get you banned using your own system and set of rules.

A company is group of real people, it is not a inatimate object from fairy tale land. People named in the affidavit are real people as well.

Actions, words, and outcomes in this case can very well ruin people’s lives. Real people.

But what do you know of reality? You’re a world of warcraft forum troll and any person of reasonable intelligence can see right through your pompous drivel.

We both know you don’t really give a crap about this case, or the people involved. You’re only here to spread discontent and spite.

Whatever happens with the case, I hope justice is served.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!

And that’s the way it is, Friday, March 6th, 1981.

God, I miss Uncle Walter.

Also, you sound old.

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