More XP in Follower Instances Would Be Nice

Sure, some are fortunate enough to have family or friends to help or resources to hire someone. Others do not.

Nah, Just 2 parents, no hired nanny.

If people actually want to participate, they will find a way to do so.

If people care about a hobby, they’ll make time for it.

And who says every weekend, maybe every second, or once every month.

I should get free stuff for doing the bare minimum in a “massive MULTIPLAYER ONLINE role playing game” . I take anxiety meds and I still manage to pug things . Heroics are so easy , there’s 0 drama , 0 problems :…… lfr is even easier . And normal dungeons for leveling are a joke . I queue them knowing no idea of what happens and it doesn’t matter. Been playing since I was 14…… you’ll be fine . I’ve had 2 kids since playing wow , I still raid heroic , get ksm every season and find time to work and be a dad . It’s called balance :balance_scale:

You should receive the same amount you would get for doing the dungeon with people, not more.


Yes, but you actually want to enjoy the game in this way. I for one do not. I have, however, over the last 15+ years, enjoyed playing in ways that suit me, and my money spends just as well for Blizzard as yours.

Please don’t tell me how to play and I won’t ridicule what you do. It’s a really, really simple principle, and as this game approaches its two decade anniversary, and as some players who were just out of high school when it released, now have grandchildren, yet are still playing, people should realize this is not all about their personal impression.

This argument “hardcores get things, casuals should just enjoy the pixels” has been going on since alpha, and it’s just as hollow, selfish, and false now as it was then.

The fact that you have a particular theory about when and how and with whom other players access the game does not make that theory true.

The 30% of families with single parents have money to spend.

Blizzard has made it clear that they hate solo players and want to force everyone into submitting to the cut throat basement dwelling narcissistic community to get anywhere in the game now. You are an automated robot. get used to it. you will adhere to the meta, you will adhere to the abuse from your fellow players, you will min max as wow head says to min max, or you will uninstall. You do not get to enjoy a nice peaceful dungeon experience with NPCs and get to advance from it.

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It’s clear and it’s always been clear that Blizzard does want “casual” money. For most of Blizzard’s history, WoW has been a firehose of cash, and the great majority of it has never been from organized “hard” end game content.

It wasn’t until late in Wrath that the majority of subscribers even had a max level character. (!!!) Leveling was not just something to slog through; it was the game for most players.

The immature, narcissistic forum hardcores misinterpret what Blizzard does entirely. They are a small minority of players, but they are sure noisy and indignant.

I don’t know why when the topic of “easy” or “convenient” or, let’s put it this way, “enjoyable for other people” content comes up, hardcores always jump in. IMO if they were truly hardcore, they wouldn’t be wasting time on the forums.

Anyway, the thread is about follower instance XP not something that started at the turn of the century.

then don’t do it? nobody is forcing you to use it. it was not intended to be a replacement for other leveling methods.

Would you like me to point to 1000 posts where someone said “nobody is forcing you” and someone else said “I am forced to”? Because that’s a small fraction of them. You remember in Cataclysm where the “best” raiding food was made from open water fish and competitive raiders spent hours and hours fishing for food that they ate after every wipe? “Nobody is forcing you” → “Yes I am forced to.”

There is not a single true and valid viewpoint here.

Yes, some people have no free time.

Plenty of people do have free time, they just choose to do other things (instead of playing WOW.)

Would you like me to point to 1000 posts where someone said “nobody is forcing you” and someone else said “I am forced to”? Because that’s a small fraction of them. You remember in Cataclysm where the “best” raiding food was made from open water fish and competitive raiders spent hours and hours fishing for food that they ate after every wipe? “Nobody is forcing you” → “Yes I am forced to.”

Buy on the auction house, or make do without.

Not every guild uses augment runes every single pull.

As much as I don’t support solo players trying to turn an MMORPG into something it’s not –

Skyrim is literally over a decade old. Even the most recent DLC/Expansion is over a decade old.

Can we stop trying to shunt solo players over to a game that most people have wrung all enjoyment out of long ago?

Doing so just makes it sound like there aren’t any legitimate alternatives for players who want that kind of experience.

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No, no and no.

Skyrim may be over a decade old, but with modpacks like Nolvus it rivals today’s games plus some. A one time cost of $19.99 (on sale) vs. solo players paying $180/yr to demand anti-social play in an MMORPG among other things is delusional.


I never said follower dungeons shouldn’t exist. I just believe they don’t need to reward the same experience and item qualities as other more laborious activities that require other humans to complete.

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I guess. I don’t understand why, the challenge is about the same but if that’s what you think then OK.

i agree…and i think they have pumped it a bit
from the early days.

It’s not the same. The difficulty of challenger dungeons is tuned considerably lower than even the normal dungeons. The mechanics aren’t the same as normal or rather their about as similar to a normal dungeon as a heroic dungeon is to a mythic 0 dungeon.

Secondarily, follower dungeons exist as a means for players to experience the story but their a stepping stone towards other more difficult content. Their purpose is to let you experience the story and prepare you for normal dungeons, in the same way normals prepare you for heroics, and heroics for Mythic 0, and Mythic 0 for Mythic +.

For what it’s worth, you actually have some player-positive interactions from this:

  • Being the majority damage dealer gives you time to control the pace of a pull/combat.
  • Having more control on the pace of combat gives you time to see mechanics. This goes in place with interrupts. Interrupts from bots would actually take away your choice to see a spell.
  • Because Follower dungeons are designed to maximize player agency, they can be tuned low enough to be super forgiving, but also still “punish” major mistakes. It’s almost like failing on Easy Mode in Guitar Hero. It can happen, but normal gameplay wouldn’t really expect it.

I don’t mind XP being more fair. But I wouldn’t want it to be the most efficient. But it should still be tuned with the idea that it’s a place to visit occasionally, like for a dungeon quest. Having a quest + the run itself should be as good as a LFD run. But without the quests, it should fall behind slightly.

As a side note, I fully support any weeklies for “do some dungeons” to be completed in Follower dungeons. I do hope they add more Followers in the future. Exposure to other comps is great.

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They are super convenient for completing quests that end in dungeons. I had not even considered xp or gear from them.

I wouldn’t turn down nice gear or rewards of some sort but I think they serve the purpose.

Well that’s your opinion. For a lot of us follower dungeons are just part of the game that we like to play and for me, and I’m sure others, it’s replaced group dungeons.

As for the level of the gear, nice thing about follower dungeons, no one is going to kick you for coming up 1% short on the level of your wrist band.