More XP in Follower Instances Would Be Nice

Because follower DPS is low, pulling two trasn packs will generally pop a bunch of cooldowns and three packs is a run back. So it’s not trivially easy.

Some bosses and trash packs have mechanics that will also kill you just fine if you don’t do the thing.

In that regard they’re harder than random instances that tend to have better geared players who can fix your standing in fire or not doing the thing problem.

The very very very very last thing any casual player wants is to be part of something “efficient,” as meta players are absolutely intolerable company even to people who like most humans.

So, back to forced grouping?

Or accept the lower xp in follower dungeons. Nothing is forced, you have choices.

When “forced” is on its deathbead, its last words will be “I wish I’d never gone near the WoW forum.”

People have been conditioned into thinking you should be forced to play with others in this, and playing solo/with friends only means you should be a 2nd class citizen.

The devs don’t help this by also having this same thought process, so you get extremely undercooked content like follower dungeons that basically exist for no reason.

I don’t see delves surviving very long, these devs are hellbent on making sure that non-full group content is as unrewarding and pointless as possible.

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If you can’t make people want to group voluntarily, that is the definition of “forced”. “Obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power”. The better gear and increased XP are forms of coercion. The requirement to group with some of the most irritating human being on the planet is coercion. Pretty clear.

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You’ll probably have to ask Blizzard for a “World of Warcraft Offline” release.

Didn’t Square-Enix release something like that?
An offline version of one of their MMO’s.

That’s not true at all. Plenty of casual players care about their time and have wanted stuff like this specifically because it’d help speed up things by avoiding queues, getting to complete dungeon quests faster, and adding a gearing path. If blizz made FDs as much xp as the random LFD queue, the casuals’ who are interested in them would be jumping for joy at the efficiency boost.

I mean this politely, but you completely missed my point.

The gangs of tryhard players who are obsessed with “efficiency” and min-maxing are just intolerable to everyone else, and anything that keeps them away from the 90-98% of “normal” players is awesome.

For example, if the fastest way to level was to kill new players in their starting zone, the “efficiency” players would do that 24x7.

If the fastest way to farm BiS weapons was to kill hunter rares, they would do that 24x7.

If the fastest way to farm BiS PvP gear was to roflstomp normal random BGs, they would do that 24x7.

If the fastest way to gear for Mythic+ was to invade normal dungeons as DPS and kick any tank or healer who didn’t make the grade, they would do that 24x7.

These are people who the rest of the world (of Warcraft) should never spend time with, should never be subjected to, and in my opinion should be caged in their own servers.

But they’re not. Nor do they have their own forums. Instead, they share their opinions on the regular forums, with regular people, as if they themselves were regular people. Which they are not.

Getting back to my point, no normal player of WoW wants to have anything to do, at all, in any way, with min-maxing tryhards, or participate in anything that might attract them. All the normies want to do is have a smooth gaming experience populated by normal generally polite humans. Polite humans to whom “optimization” is a truly unwelcome disruption of immersive play. I realize that’s crazy talk, but it’s normal crazy talk.

In the 1000 or so instances I’ve played since I started mid-Wrath, I’ve had a lot of good groups. I’ve also had some absolutely terrible groups.

You know how it works with restaurants, when you have 99 great meals, then you get norovirus from the 100th? Do you go back there? That’s how terrible groups feel. Some people are willing to endure two days of vomiting to get back to that good hamburger. Most aren’t.


:roll_eyes: that says everything about your point.

Enjoy delving!

uhm you do realize im not aggreeing with you right?
like you come across as kind of uhm not all there.
also why you keep coming back every 2 days or so to reargue the same points

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It says exactly what I mean, and you know exactly what I mean.

There’s this incredibly un self aware form of irony at play here.

And yet this all evolves from “I wish follower instances had more consistent XP.”

yeah you’ve said that at least a half dozen times already.
repeatedly rearguing in circles isnt gonna change anything.
devs aint gonna go “oh gee we didnt agree with him the last 5 times BUT THIS TIME HE STRUCK A CHORD WITH ME. WASNT until he reargued the same point for the sixth time that IT FINALLY MADE SENSE.”

Mods, when this devolves into someone rummaging through their library of Simpsons memes, it’s time to lock it.

dude. you’ve literally are basically just semi spamming at this point just reposting your argument over and over and over and reframing it in different ways. and that last post…not exactly nice. stopped short of saying hardcore players are subhuman. we gave you your answer. you didnt like it and are basically at this point just being mean to whole groups of players you dont like.

Why would they be this? They aren’t even this in Final Fantasy.

I guess I’m just becoming less and less tolerant of “those” people who rub me the wrong way in my dotage. Life is too short I guess. So many of them. Heck I may be one of them. Pretty silent though, in my way, and fairly polite.

Let’s see if flagging my own post gets this crapthread locked. Again.

i mean the thread was fine at first than you started getting more and more aggressive because you didn’t like the answers you got.

The go play a single player game. There are plenty of those around