More XP in Follower Instances Would Be Nice

Yes indeed. I think the goal of these dungeons is for players who were tired of the “race the tank to nuke the entire dungeon” standard of leveling dungeons right now, so they made the bots do less damage so the mobs die more slowly. I think this is fine. However, it means that these are already slower so I don’t know why they would be reducing base mob XP as well.


To further reinforce that the follower dungeons are not meant to replace group dungeons. They really wanted to drive that home

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But do they have any edgy or cringy dialogue :rofl:

The thing is level boosting replaces group dungeons. It’s so inefficient to level 60-70 in any normal way because you can just get your friend and level each other’s characters in an hour killing elites in brackenhide.

What I know factually is they wont keep running if they arent getting anything from it. Tell me YOU sit and watch the same rerun of some sitcom day after day, lol
We both know you dont and we both know you’d be bored to tears from it by the second day.
people ARENT gonna use these AI dungeons over and over for a two year expansion IF they arent being paid AT LEAST as well as they would be running quests.
if you believe differently, Id say you are confused.
We already see complaints from players running REAL group content complaining the payout isnt enough lol…

and I dont care…lol. no, seriously.

yeah…exactly son…THATS the point…they SUCK…ie CANT be trusted to behave rationally like a real player should

uh…yeah…ok. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you sound ike youre some 9 post alt of someone Ive ignored and trying to get a few shots in before I ignore this alt too, quite frankly.

How would I know? I haven’t had a chance to try them yet.
Ask me again in late August.

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I feel like people who say “get a guild of other people who can’t play at a particular time” are on high pop servers and then the follow-up is “transfer your 15 characters from your low-pop realm” and now that has nothing to do with the original topic.

Sounds like the issue there is boosting. If you want more xp out of follower dungeons, you need to bring less AI. You lose 5% xp per AI. If you want no XP loss, gotta play with all people.

Boosting being a more efficient way to level doesn’t mean that follower dungeons need an xp boost lol

By paying attention to what developers say about their design intentions for them.

Maybe, I don’t think so. I’m saying both dungeon modes are extremely inefficient to level and nobody should bother leveling with them if they care about speed. But I think follower XP should be increased even more than regular because the followers are terrible.


Is there some consensus that people actually enjoy this?

Roughly how many follower dungeon runs does it currently take to gain a level?

(I’ve only been running them on well-geared level 70s, so I haven’t experienced what they are like while levelling yet)

They definitely could be one of the best things added to the game in a long while IF Ion thinks this thru and accepts the fact that we ALL want paid for our time investment.
If Im making say …i dont know …50k XP per hour or whatever running quests, getting all that quest loot…and these dungeons pay 25k XP per hour and Im barely getting a usuable upgrade over the RNG crap…why on earth would I waste time in AI dungeons beyond just a few times to check them out?

Honestly, I have characters in DF I was leveling and literally chose to QUEST to level for the 15th character over using AI dungeons specifically because of the crap XP.

either make it XP and loot equal to questing, or a little better, or dont expect players to choose to run AI dungeons, because they wont.
They’ll get bored and go quest instead.

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Yes I leveled 30 of my friend’s characters this way and they leveled 30 of mine. It was harder to do in season 1 solo but then there was cobalt assembly. In season 4 gear on a tank it is very easy to do.

Tip: have them log into the 60 you plan to boost a few days before (if they didn’t play it this xpac already) so they get rested xp until level 61.5

What they say is that you can’t rely on anything in beta because anything can change. That goes double for what they are saying they will do.

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I thought the XP was the same minus the bonus XP you get for using the group finder. You also get gear drops. I enjoy knocking out some rested XP in the follower dungeons occasionally when I don’t want to bother with a queue or anticipate being distracted.

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2-5 maybe? It’s extremely inconsistent. They are also generally slower than pug randoms.

I feel like the people defending the mindset that “people who want a singleplayer experience should be able to get it in a multiplayer game” are forgetting that you’re not forced to play the multiplayer game if you do not want to, there are plenty of singleplayer games to fit your needs as a social shut-in that do singleplayer experiences better than wow, because they were designed with that goal in mind.

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lord…its so funny having the AI tank lead, watching tank literally avoid things and that goofy AI healer just running thru the very crap the tank was avoiding.
yeah…PUG life, lol.
I mean, I get it, PUG players CAN be that bad, but it AINT EVERY flippin run and we all know it. lol.
I think they went way over board with making the AI seem stupid, personally.

It’s incentive to do normal dungeons and participate in social activities in an MMORPG.

Perhaps Skyrim is more your alley.