More wow fun disabled.... as I knew it

Oh so CORNELL LAW SCHOOL is wrong?

Cornell? Really?

5 years of studying law and you missed the basics of the supremacy clause?


And yet you can’t provide a single source to back up any of your claims.


He probably never studied law and is just saying he studied law in the hopes that you’ll be silent because he ‘knows’ things.



Same thing. It is about equality and respect. And yes, there were people just like you saying the same thing, except the used words that would get people banned on the forums.


Ohhhhh right a lot of people thought they were just gonna stop after they removed some NPCs and jokes. Awks. :no_mouth:

no, you miss what the text even means, the supremacy clause has nothing to do with the separation of powers clearly explained in the 4th amendment, assuming you know anything about constitutional law

The Supremacy Clause is clear. It prevents the states from interfering with the enactment of the federal constitution. It also prevents the states from taking upon themselves any action that is performed exclusively by the federal government.

And you outed yourself as someone who knows nothing about the law by trying to use the 4th amendment as some sort of ‘gotcha’, because the 4th Amendment protects people from unlawful searches by the government and sets the requirements for a warrant. It has nothing to do with state and federal powers.

By chance were you confusing the 4th amendment for the 14th amendment?


lol yeah, that’s going to affect sub numbers in the long run, if players can’t have fun socially, they’ll just go elsewhere

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Exactly. There is other games with lot more fun in it. I’m leaning more to single player games. People can be really toxic nowadays.

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Huh, nice, what is it called?

It’s part of my private UI addon but there is something out there for everyone! :open_mouth:

The addon cancels the following:

A Witch!
Brewfest Chowdown Champion
Brewfest Chowdown Glory
Enchanted Dust
Holy Retribution
Ken-Ken's Mask
Painted Blue
Painted Green
Painted Orange
Rainbow Generator
Turkey Feathers
Turnip Paint Gun

You’ll have to lookup what things you want to be removed on wowhead or alternatively I use this addon which will put the spellID of everything lol in the tooltip, if that addon works off spellIDs that is, could work off names which would be easier :smiley:


It’s been disabled for anyone that isn’t in your party or raid since Legion.


Tell me you don’t know how the law works without telling me.

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You talkin about good ole Cancun Cruz?

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They’ve been removing fun from this game since before woke culture.


Actual research instead of getting outraged? How dare you

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A Darwin award is a an award for accidentally removing oneself from the gene pool. :roll_eyes:

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I suggest you look up the 10th Amendment.

Takes a toke of Federally outlawed, yet State legal, vegetation while cleaning my legal under my states Constitutional Carry Laws firearm.

I also bet you weren’t crying “States can’t go against Federal!”, when States like California refused to follow Federal ICE laws and created clown show “sanctuary cities”.

I was born and raised in Fresno, California. Lived in that state for 42 years, watched it go from awesome to cesspool in that span of years. Went from the “Golden State” to “The Welfare State”. Been out of there for almost 7 years and you could never pay me enough to go back.

We’re to believe that they just woke up 1 day and felt offended by in game stuff. They insult our intelligence for us that don’t live in California.

I hate that toy

Good riddance