More wow fun disabled.... as I knew it

you don’t get out much do you? states goes over the head of the federal government all the time, states has their own set of laws apart from federal laws, some states (conservative states) passes laws solely to override federal laws

And those laws get struck down by the supreme court all the time.

You can’t supercede federal law at the state level.


This is the reason why politics don’t belong in a video game. The more real life politics get added the worse WoW becomes.

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They disabled a toy in PvP.

How is that political?


My addon can remove the piccolo aura

The problem is you continue to dance until you move so I just tap W :smiley:

no they don’t, it’s against the constitution for the fed to intervene in state constitutions and laws

It isn’t.

They just want it to be so they can cry about politics existing in WoW.

Typical right wing outrage culture. Take something out of context. Make it an issue. Then complain about it being an issue. I mean they had a big cry that Big Bird got the covid Vaccine. Even though there is a scene from Sesame Street from years ago where Big Bird was promoting kids to get vaccinated.


‘Woke’ culture didn’t force any of the changes on Blizzard. They chose to do them of their own free will. So even if they moved to Houston, it wouldn’t change anything.

But you already knew that.



Wow dude. Like . . . good lord. I can’t even . . .



Cause Blizzard is Woke themselves of course they chose to go woke.

yeah blackmailed to do what they want or get destroyed like they are now, the blizz lawsuit is what happens when a company says no to blackmails to the metoo movement

Good gods, you really have subscribed to the 4chan cult, havent you.


I always find it weird that trolls would lower themselves to look completely stupid. Anyone else laughing at these clowns?



Okay buddy, here’s your tin foil rowboat, try not to damage it too quickly, it’s rather fragile.


Honestly I’m convinced at this point that anyone trying to use the word ‘woke’ as an insult or as some sort of excuse is three fries short of a happy meal.


google searches doesn’t make it fact, i studied law for 5 years, not how federal powers is separated from the states, the fed doesn’t govern over states, the federal constitution governs over governing over federal government, not the states

you are aware these toys changes were years ago, yes?


“Woke” is the term used by people when they realize they can no longer act like a self important douche without getting called out on it.


Don’t forget it also gets applies when people they don’t respect get things changed in their favour. I guarantee you if these folks were around when the Civil Rights act passed, along with the Voting Rights act, that they’d be screaming about woke culture for as long as society gave them a megaphone.


except there wasn’t a woke culture back then, back in the 60s it was about letting women have jobs, today it’s about stealing jobs from men, big difference in generations