More World of Warcraft Experiences to Come

Lmfao, Plunderstorm isn’t wow, it just uses wow assets. If it was wow, I’d have my characters, abilities, collections, mounts and everything else. Plunderstorm is WoW related content, but it’s sure as hell not WoW.


They can say that, but after Plunderstorm, I don’t have much trust in Ion and Co. Especially since they are also doing the same thing they did in SL fated season by excluding LFR players from the mount again. At least this time they had the balls to say normal or higher only and not put the achievements in game then change them last minute.

Sorry if I come off very pessimistic, but having endured SL then some of the BS during DF I have little trust left for anything Ion and Co say.


You guys really need to get better at communicating with the playerbase. Please see this thread GD: What would you like to see from Blizzard, to improve their communication to the players and many replies to this current post.


I would love to see more blues just casually chit chatting in the forum and or in the game. Have a mod presence so to speak.

You don’t see GMs just magically appear anymore either.


4 posts including your own is not many

Oh I keep hoping beyond hope. Either a player house moon where we all live like a misfit Brady Bunch

Or we can just drop a house anywhere in the world and call it home

Better yet, a flying Dalaran mega island that crosses the world slowly. Even across the ocean. We can even see GM island and The Maelstrom. Giant flocks of dragons.

So many possibilities. Guess we have to see

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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They did at one point. They get attacked regardless.

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gestures towards the Plunderstorm whining


I said it with Plunderstorm and I will say it with this one.

Why create a mode with only a percentage of the player base will enjoy it? Why not create something everyone will like?

Plunderstorm being primarily a PVP mode wasn’t cool for the PVERs but this new experiment being primarily a PVE mode won’t be cool for the PVPers as well. (Obviously, we don’t know if the next one is primarily PVE)


Oh you mean the consequences of their own actions? Got it.

13 Likes probably because people have been dooming since Monday

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I had fun with Plunderstorm. That’s the most important, arguably only important metric.


This. Accountability is absolutely dead in this day and age. They made their bed, and they can lie in it.


If people are being hateful there’s a suspend button for a reason.

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If everyone likes it, no one likes it.

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It’s alive and well we just aim it at the people criticizing the poor billion dollar corporations.

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Cool, I’d wager that most of the player base would strongly disagree with a FOMO event that is an entirely different game.


It must be difficult for you to recreate your very own level 10 kul tiran on Plunderstorm. I actually feel so bad for you.

The dread feeling of not being able to click on the skin tab must be awful

You must be in distraught when you can’t use your characters abilities while on a dragon riding mount. I am so sorry

I feel you, I too have to use my toys I collected while sitting still in a instanced event cause my attention span is off the charts.

I too get really upset I can’t use my mounts in LFR except in certain fights that allow dragon riding. Those fights give me relief while I AFK in those boss mechanics.

Nice, a reply full of logical fallacies and terrible analogies. If you’re going to try to prove any point, maybe learn not to use things that detract from your point. Nice try, kiddo


We hope those of you who are looking for PvE focused content will enjoy what we’re planning

That’s right you admit you royally peeved some folks off. Too bad you initially lied about reception.

Let’s take a step back Blizz. How about we just stop with secrets? You clearly are not on a winning track record.