More void elf customization TWW

I’m not saying remove something from them. I’m saying every time they ask for something, they get it, and other races which need a little more help should be taken care of first like Kul Tirans, Zandalari, Mechagnomes, etc.

I am aware of this. I’m specifically highlighting the themes they have available. I wasn’t saying literally sharing customizations with forsaken. I was saying they have the theme of high elf, undead elf, and void elf, all rolled into one race.

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There is mega threads for the other races (that we update quite regularly), and we do go to the devs (the best we can) with requests. Yet years go by and still nothing. But you can be sure the elves will get something more in TWW.

Absolutely. People suck.

Especially when they don’t understand how a public forum works. :rofl:


As long as they’re void theme and not cowtowing to the Helf crowd again


Personally i want new haircuts and beards but i dont care about high elves.
Where do these options land? Haha

Currently, it just seems like you’re more concerned with dictating to other players what they’re allowed to wish for and what they’re not, rather than acknowledging your own desires for customization options. No offense, but that pretty much sums it up.

As I said, the players are not responsible… unlike the devs… you know… those, who make the game… for not giving you what you want. Therefore, I still believe it’s pretty out of place to come into request threads just to tell other players that, in your opinion, they’re not allowed to wish for something.
Anyway, you do you.


Void-y lookin tattoos like the new Alleria mock ups we’ve seen :open_mouth:

They can “wish” for anything they want. Problem is they are the only ones the devs listen too. Which causes animosity towards both the players and the devs. It is what it is. Your opinion has been noted and discarded.


Irony is for void elves, those who want to see more void stuff have got none of their requests given.
Yet are also told theyre not allowed anything by others because a different group of people got some stuff they wanted.
That doesnt seem fair either.


It’s just plain anti-social. Sorry, but there’s no other word for it. Wanting to put down players for the decisions of the devs is just bottom of the barrel. But what can you do.
If those people want to put more energy into telling other players what they can and cannot request from Blizzard… rather than requesting their own wishes… Well, to each their own.



And this.

Void Elves got so much customization wise it’s not funny, Kul Tirans, Vulpera, Dark Iron Dwarves, Mag’har Orcs and Mechagnomes are the Allied Races that need lots of customization time.

Nightborne to a lesser extent still need a lot of work as well and to be equal to the level of customizations Night Elves have.


If anyone does want to recommend and request things for Kul’tirans theres always this thread.

I do agree heckling others requests is much less effective than making ones own requests.


Give void elf’s nice stuff or else we will raid your void storage and take it by force. I’m a rogue with connections I can make it happen!

I do wish people would actually advocate for the races they claim to care for, outside of attempts to delegitimise other players requests.


They seem to enjoy taking down other players more than advocating for their own desires. :dracthyr_shrug:


Some actually do, but elves of all kinds are probably the most played race in WoW so of course there’s going to be more people asking for elven stuff since people ask for stuff to benefit the character they play.

I’m never going to ask for human/kul’tiran, mechagnome, or other race customizations since I don’t play them but I’ll toss likes out and support people who want them.


God please no more void elf crap… There’s been enough you greedy monsters.

Tauren need more love! Tauren customization matters!

I want a pink ETC tauren Mohawk! Also different body sizes not all tauren have to be build like a himbo.


Honestly always been surprised that the Tauren (and Highmountain) don’t have their own thread yet. Ya’ll should make one and request what you want to see so Blizzard isn’t shooting in the dark as much.


Problem is we get easily distracted by jumping. Us tauren jumps get too happy jumps when we start and we for-

What we talking about again?
Bounces all over the place



I want those sweet tats that they gave Xal’atath. Would look dope AF on my V.Elf Priest.