More void elf customization TWW

An expansion with Xal’atath?
Surely we’ll get some new options void themed. :slight_smile:


I’d rather the other Allied Races finally get a turn for new customizations…


Yea I’d say we’ve definitely got our fair share of love.

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I’m all for every race getting new features. Just think some new void specific options would fit this expansion, although elves probably won’t get anything new until Midnight expansion.


Kul tirans especially need some love. But TWW would be a good time for more voidly options. Like Xal’s fancy eyeballs. I’d love those.


The issue with this is it’s a two-sided problem.

Should void elves get more void customizations? Yes. They should have gotten more void customizations the first time as opposed to the high elf nonsense that people kept demanding. Blizzard should have put their foot down and doubled down on the void theme so we could have something further removed from other races that was unique.

However, Blizzard has chosen that void elves are nothing other than a catch-all for customizations for everything other than what they actually are, hence undead customizations and high elf customizations and nothing other than reduced void themes being brought into the mix.

Other races should get a turn. Void elves need some kind of step back.


Here we go…

Trolls first. They have SIX faces. SIX.


People seem to act like void elves are drowning in customisation.
They are of course, not.

Now are they as hard done by as kul tirans? No not at all. Now thats a race thats in dire need.
But a few outliers does not mean no other race should get anything.

Void elves are still on the low end of customisation options. A few new haircuts and voidy options would go a long way with them.


They are literally in the bottom 5-6 depending on gender.

Vulpera/Dark Iron/Kul’tiran/Worgen/Zandalari males are the only ones who are worse.

So they are more than in line for more options, especially in a Xpac that focuses on their themes which will likely have a lot of Void Elf NPCs.


The fact that they, unlike all other Legion races, still haven’t gotten anything of their own has so far prevented me from leveling one up, even though I want the heritage armor.
They’ve only gotten a few copy&paste things from blood elves and that’s it. Nightborne should now have even more customization options than night elves, yet strangely enough, people only get upset when they ask for more for void elves. I wonder why that is.^^
Not a single new hairstyle, no jewelry, no tattoos, no void stuff, absolutely nothing new. And since I would create a male character, the extremely ugly and partly unfinished looking hairstyles keep me even more away from the race.


Void elves just need new hairstyles, beards, jewelry, tattoos etc… like the other 3 Legion allied races.
These new customizations will have to adapt to Void, High Elf and Darkfallen themes.


we all need new things. the cc in this game is garbage


Void elves do not share customisations with undead / forsaken. The closest they get is the Dark Ranger skin, which is elven specific.

Void elves also do not have many customisations. Until they have as many as Blood Elves they are entitled to receive more, IMO.

The void elf customisations do not need ‘some kind of step back’, which I’m interpreting as a roll back on customisations - why would we get rid of more player choice?


Absolutely. This game is at a level from 2010, at most. The handful of customization options in WoW are just embarrassing for 2024.


They need a step back in as far as other allied races need a turn with customization additions/updates. Kul Tiran, Vulpera, Nightborne, Zandalari, Dark Iron Dwarves, etc.

Then Void Elves. Full stop.


Nightborne seem to have more options than Night Elves. Like… have you seen how many options they have? :joy:

They really don’t.


Yeah… they really do.

In contrast, void elves got absolutely nothing new except for the copy & paste stuff. Apart from that, the entire race is ridiculous and can’t even be remotely compared to nightborne.

Customized model.
An entire zone and city dedicated to their lore.
A lot of customization options compared to many other races.

Void Elves:
Copy & paste model.
No significant lore.
No dedicated zone, just a few rocks in the void.
No city.
As the only Legion race, they haven’t received any new adjustments since their release.


Its not a competition though.
And even if it were… nightborne should not be included on that list.
They legit have a lot of options.
Could they do with more? Yes every race could do with more.
But they do have a lot. Way more than void elves. :stuck_out_tongue: