More void elf customization TWW

It actually would be fun to have a massive race pvp fight. The winning race gets a customization package.

It would be gold if Blizzard did that once every quarter.

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Lol, I’d be okay with this since I main a Blood Elf Warlock and I have a Human Warlock alt because most people play those two races so we’d more than likely dominate it every time and in turn we’d end up with so much new customization vs the other races we’d outshine Dracthyr even. :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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You must be new here

Those would be amazing. I’d love to see em added.

I am bumping this thread, as I agree with Moritz here.

Void elves deserves more void customizations, they need to feel that the void theme is cared for, because as it is now some of the void elf fans feels betrayed by blizz because they caved in and watered us down with natural looks for a group that cares not for void elves or it’s themes.

We need starcursed hairstyle options.
We need void tattoo’s.
We need more void-like eye options.
We need void scars.
We need more empasis on the original skin colors muscle effects, as there is artwork done on them, but barely noticable unless you zoom in (even on the hands)
We need void-like skin colors would be nice too such as obsidian or void black skin colors.


we need more hairstyles. we still only have the ones we started with in legion.


New hairstyles with braids and two-tone hair like Alleria. :ok_hand:


Yeah belf options love but not void options love.


More void stuff please and tentacle hair too!



Maybe they meant Shadowland Classic

Other Allied races suffer to get any scrap of care while the void elves are GIMME GIMME GIMME. But this is World of Elfcraft where you have 5 species of elves.

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You have to go to the super secret cow forum for that

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It’s not the people that like actual void elves but the high elf crowd.

Those that want more void have been ignored


well i like void elves enough that i have like 30 of them. hehe

There are players who prefer to be a Void Elf like Alleria. :wink:

It’s already possible but they just need new hairstyles with braids and tattoos.


/waves from 1 of lightspeed’s alts

That’s a cop-out, anyone that argued for that actually wanted high-elves.

Actual void-elf fans didn’t wanted that. We liked that we looked like what the story explained, and our voidiness nature.

to be sure, i prefer high elf customizations and if they were playable on alliance, i’d have a bunch and only a few void elves. i’d still prefer void elves than the other alliance races, though i do have a few nelfs, humans, draenei and mechagnomes

Alleria’s customizations match the Allerian void elf and high elf themes. :v:


Only alleria is an allerian void elf, unless all of the sudden all void elves is eating voided naaru’s.

Stop trolling faker.