More solo content - the future of WoW

So… why not let solo players gear if the content is hard enough to justify it?

I don’t recall visions being poorly received past launch once people realized it wouldn’t be free

More solo content is fine, but the highest level of rewards should always come from group content and not be available in solo content. This is an MMO, if you want the best rewards you have to play with other people.

Otherwise, you don’t need the highest gear levels for content that can be solo’d easily without it.

Seasons would also feel a lot longer because many more people would be getting to maxc ilvl sooner, then we’d hear even more complaints that there’s nothing to do.

Mythic players don’t want to play with other people though, at least most of them

They want to rush as fast as possible because the content obviously must not be fun after a while at least repeating the same stuff. I dunno, to me wanting to rush as fast as possible means like…working at walmart and wanting the day to go as fast as possible because how miserable it is. Instead of doing something fun and wanting it to last

The other problem is, mythic players really honestly don’t want anyone who hasn’t played from the first day of patch/expansion release. The longer time goes on, the less they want to invite anyone

And most mythic players either have no humanity in them and treat everyone like garbage in real life, or/and play the game as a singleplayer RPG anyway and think everyone is an “NPC”.

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I don’t think “gate kept” is as good a term as “railroaded”.

Raid drops are too pitiful to effectively gear alone. Most guilds don’t appreciate people who don’t seek out other forms of gear and it’s impossible to attain/maintain a competitive enough ilvl to get invites to raid pugs.

So, before delves, it didn’t matter that raids also exist as harder content, if you didn’t do m+, you didn’t play.

Thats the issue.

Its not.

One size fits all solo content can not be created to be equally challenging for all specs.

Your entire post is treating people that enjoy certain content like garbage.

Guilds that care about your gear, delve gear isnt what is suddenly making you acceptable.

How? All I said was most mythic players don’t want to play with anyone who hasn’t played from day one of patch lol. Not all of them, but most of them, and its true.

I’ve seen enough posts on reddit and elsewhere to know that if you say hello in a mythic you could get kicked, make a joke, get kicked, one item level too low compared to what everyone else is, get kicked (otherwords, haven’t played since day one even though meet the item level requirements…but everyone else is already far ahead so already too far behind)

There is almost no catching up if play too late into a patch, because why would a mythic player want someone who is “green” when everyone who played since day one is super far ahead.


I pug, so yes, delve gear did make me acceptable. No ilvl = no invite.

You said more than that.

This is wrong.

This is wrong.

This is wrong,.

And this is where you make it personal. Wide spread insults.

Which is irrelevant to what was stated. We were talking about guilds worried about gear.

You specifically brought that up.

To which I replied…the guilds worried about their people being geared outside of raids, arent one that if a person is suddenly geared in delve gear are happy. They are the much higher end guilds.

I don’t think you’ve grasped that the fun part of mythic+ is the boundaries the content sets and the challenge of staying within them and improving as a player / team to do so.

Now that’s just rude.

Have you not looked at all the reddit posts and elsewhere? There is literally a top post a day or every other day on reddit about being kicked for making a joke or saying hello in a mythic lol. Or any number of things that could cause someone to be kicked for what seems to be dumb reasons

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I see that in threads about TWing, Normal dungeons, leveling dungeons also.

I actually see that most often in trivial content.

People arent doing that in m+.

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True but you can get close enough. You can apply that logic to raiding to. Not every spec is allowed into top ten kills.

I dunno if I can post links yet, but like this was a top post a few days ago. But you are right, most of the recent ones are about groups in general

Seems like a harmless (and funny joke) and was an instant kick lol

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That sentenced continued.

Even lower end guilds want people to effectively contribute. If all I’m wearing is WQ gear plus my 1 drop + 1 vault per week from raid, I won’t be effectively contributing. I’ll be holding the group back.

I think blizzard are yet to show that honestly, visions had aspects of it but ultimately fell a little too short which lead to the gear also being just a little short of mythic nyalotha ilvl.

It was 3 ilvs lower then mythic. I know I sold a ton of carries for it before the cape capped. Only negatives I really recall is that you had to do a daily quest zone to get into it.

Not really.

Because in order for it to be one size fits all the following must happen :

mobs cant hit hard
mobs cant require much dps to defeat
mobs cant require mechanics outside of basically “move”

Any of those not met, its not created for all specs. Even visions pushed healers/tanks to be in a group.

Greatly depends on what you are raiding.

Yes, but that doesnt dismiss what you stated.

Not just recent. Easier/entry level content is largely where many of those complaints are.

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If the community weren’t so harsh and demanding, such emphasis on solo content wouldn’t be necessary. Bring on the solo content!

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I don’t think the argument should be that because its not perfect its not doable. Like I said a fraction of the games specs can clear pre nerf mythic and its not seen as a disaster.

That’s another thing. It wasn’t actually solo content, it was content tuned around being done solo that could be trivialised in a group. It has 1 person’s worth of cc, mechanics, etc, but you could split it between more. Same as you can with delves.

I do think bliz will put myth track gear on the visions update they’re adding next patch. I’m just also expecting the players who’ve been asking for it most to complain about it.