More solo content - the future of WoW

I am really liking delves. That is the whole reason I decided to come back. When I played in BFA I hated mythics, because I always pugged them, and as you guys know pugging harder and harder content is just not the way to go. I did find a group of people in BFA to push m10+ but still I struggled. As someone on the spectrum I always found raiding and mythic dunegons a challenge. I can’t multitask at all and there is just too much information in a raid that you have to process very fast, lots of aoe on the ground and mechanics to remember.

I’m not bad at all video games (very good at Elden Ring or souls games just no double boss fights). The ones that require multitasking moving, dpsing (key press rotation), listening to people talk in discord and deadly boss mod or another addon(s) going off in a mythic or raid setting are not a good combo for me.

If someone told me during BFA that Blizzard would do solo dungeons with mythic level gear, or me suggesting that they introduce solo dungeons on the forums during BFA, I would get laughed at. “Play a different game then.”

I think WoW should have more solo content, and that it should reward extremely valuable gear like in heroic/mythic raids, (m15+).

It should be done in a way that is fair. People who are doing high level content should always get their gear the fastest. People who do solo content might have a chance for this gear to drop in their delve or currencies to spend in a gear shop.

I also think that for people doing high level content, m15+ mythic raids, etc, that they should get unique transmog/titles for that season. For the people that really like being in the top 1% of players maybe Blizzard could give these players other types of cosmetics and rewards (unique spell animations, etc) that would not be available anywhere else and just available for the current season. I know they do this with the titles and mounts for high level content, but they could really expand on it for people who love high level play. Imagine going into Stormwind/Org and visiting a museum or some such that shows off the characters and guild for each season that got a world first mythic raid completion.



If there is a wow in the future, more solo content is coming. It’s the wave man.


They dont offer mythic level gear nor should they.

Solo content can never be as difficult as group content so while im not against adding more solo content I am against high ilvl rewards.


I’m glad people get celebrated with rare titles, mounts and invitations.

My fun, though, is out there leveling and solo gameplay while not my true desire for the game, it’s a nice personal challenge because I simply lack consistent time to play

Otherwise, 20 years ago I’d be on the mythic treadmill trying my hardest. I don’t multitask nor do I excel at memory games. With my processing disorder, I tend to hear and to see the world like Swiss cheese than a cohesive whole

Lots of gaps as it were. Blank spots. Doing content and forgetting what or where I am at times. Still, it’s fun. I’m not cut out for mythic choreography

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

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what will you do if they actually add mythic level rewards to solo content eventually?

actually they pretty much are with the tier 11 changes

They are planning to bring back visions last I heard.

They shouldnt considering how easy delves are.

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too late we’re gonna be getting an insane amount of gilded crests in the easy solo content

I think endgame raiding and M+ would collapse overnight if delves offered better or equal gear lol.

Folks are doing it for the gear rewards, rather than the actual ‘fun’ of the content itself.

The gear is more ‘fun’ than the raid content on the hardest difficulty.

It’s all carrot lol.

If hard stuff was fun, we’d see a lot more engaging with it.

PvP is notorious for being ‘too hard’ for most people.


I doubt most solo players will be farming 11s till the end of the season


It’s human nature, WoW players will do anything to give them a competitive edge over the content they prefer doing.

If pet battle gave myth you can bet the forums would be on fire lol.

I’m just happy I got a pillar i enjoy doing and seeing it get some love with its crest acquisition, I am happy. :partying_face:


like someone else said you’re extremely biased against anything in this game relating to the casual or solo player

these threads attract you like a moth to a flame


I’d be a top player overnight, in terms of gear ahahaha.

Yeah, it would be pretty awful for those people. :joy:

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Not biased at all. It comes down to reward matching the difficulty. Delves dont do that.

Its called having an opinion.


they even lowered the difficulty of tier 11 delves

so keep being antagonistic it will make you age faster

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yeah i see that door-way in that titan room.
i always thought visions just didnt connect with the story though, i look forward to what they do

After all the recent survey results collected from all of us players they have indicated future expansions will not have M+ or Raids but focus more on Delve like content along with smaller group activities similar to what you find on places like Siren Isle.

The majority of the players have spoken and Blizz is looking to deliver!


Delves is like, the only end game pillar keeping me subbed these days. :grimacing: I’m really looking forward to trying out tank Brann in S2 and the new delves.


Yep, it’s the only reason I came back to WoW. S1 was a very fantastic season for me and delves is looking even more amazing in a couple of weeks.

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Here is the thing though players like me who aren’t as good still want to be competitive in casual bgs or open world pvp/events (if open world pvp events still exists). The issue is that not having good gear puts already disadvantaged players at even greater disadvantage. Not only do we have to contend with our skill issue, but we also have to contend with the fact the other player could be super geared. Letting solo players have an opportunity to be on a somewhat even playing field is fairer.

Let’s you need 200 currency to get one piece mythic 15+ gear. A delve could drop 5 of that currency per run, and maybe 1% or 2% chance to drop mythic level gear. A solo player would need to do 40 delves just for one piece of gear. One 20-minute mythic 15+ run guarantees at least a couple of people loot.

People would still do mythic raiding/mythic dungeons for faster gear and the chance at world first cosmetics/titles and a hall of fame/leaderboard in the cities.