More solo content - the future of WoW

Follower raids won’t happen. They have story mode which doesn’t drop any gear and goes straight to the last boss.

This is one of the most based posts I’ve ever seen here.

What kind of solo content would you like added?

No wow doesn’t need more solo content. It has plenty and I still think it’s primarily a social game and always has been.


I feel like this entire thread has only just solidified my argument that the outcry for more solo content was never about people feeling like there was nothing for them to do in game, but rather it was always motivated by the fact that they feel shame for not having the absolute best gear in the game.

If you all think having fully upgraded Myth track gear is going to somehow make you feel better, I can assure you it will not.

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It’s not so much interacting with other people as it is having sporadic times to play and a life outside of the game that makes sticking to a schedule difficult.

Current system seems decent. I can slowly get some of the higher level gear doing solo content. The people doing group stuff get it at a much faster rate. My issue with delves is they got old real quick. It needs more depth to keep it interesting long term.

The rate of gear acquisition and the level of said gear should basically match the content, meaning you should slowly be able to overgear it so that by the end of the season, you’re trucking it for funsies. That’s my take anyway.

The current gear progression seems fine for that. My only criticism is that solo delvers were unlikely to get their gear fully upgraded, which has a bit of a “completeness” itch to it.

Of course, the other bit is how T11s are balanced - via incoming damage and damage-sponge mobs. Some classes handily overgear this stuff, and other classes have a real tough time. It would be nice for it to be more mechanic-centric and less brute damage.

That’s not really an excuse. I work 55+ hours a week and have a family and still make time to raid at a ce level.

As do a lot of people.

6 hours a week isn’t some major ask.

Not to be a giant jerk but…welcome to being an adult?

Part of life is prioritizing things, and if WoW isn’t a priority for you, which is completely normal and and fine, then I think it’s reasonable to assume you will never have, or be at the same level as someone who is able to prioritize WoW more.

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Oh I don’t really care, I was more saying why I don’t do that stuff and why delves work for me. I’m never going to be the best dude at the game, it’s whatever. It’s just nice to have actual progression and something to work towards throughout the season.

Not so much the time as it is the flexibility, plus my availability is more late night/off hours. Not complaining just chatting.

Why stop at delves giving myth track. Why shouldn’t world quests give it also since some people find world quests difficult

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I’m pretty happy with the state of solo content, especially with the changes in S2. It offers a slow and steady gear/difficulty progression that suits my playstyle.

I expect they’ll add more in the future because the demand for it seems to exist. I don’t expect the cantankerousness of the playerbase to abate any time soon so the demand will likely continue to exist. I doubt they’ll produce myth level solo content, not because I doubt their willingness as much as I doubt their ability to produce it in any way even slightly balanced.

I’m looking forward to Horrific Visions offering a greater challenge and more variety next season.

Oh that really got under your skin. I still don’t really get why you think it can’t be real though.

More solo content is fine. With meaningful rewards is fine. Just not too over board.

Finding the right balance is the issue.

I agree… I don’t really see the harm in letting people gear solo so long as the content reflects the difficulty. It was even done in the past with visions.

People have been gatekept from gear so long they can’t really imagine a world without it.

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The issue is Delves can be done with a 5 man group which does make them too easy. They should be capped to 3 player groups, and if you have 3 players you get no Bran.

The irony in this post.

Could you explain it to me?

Currently. People are “gate kept” from gear because they avoid, don’t, or can’t do harder content.

Your response is to make content give gear based on its difficulty. Which is the entire reason people complain gear is gate kept.

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The reason people want more solo content -

Mythic players don’t want to play with others who didn’t play from day one

The reason mythic players don’t want solo content -

Because they don’t want solo players playing WoW

Conclusion -

Mythic players don’t want anyone playing WoW except day one players