More solo content - the future of WoW

I had one of my old guilds tanks pull me aside and for 2-3 hours we looking over logs (he showed me how too) and looked at openers as a demo lock in order to do the rotation properly.

Then we did a 1.5 minute target dummy sim. Ran that drill on a dummy till I was at or above them sim. Then did it again for 3 minutes (CDs windows)

The. I practiced over and over on dummies myself until I was super confident on the spec and my damage improved a lot.

It was a very hard mentality to break but I’m glad I was able too.

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Man I freaking live at the dummies.

Highly underutilized.

Even if it’s just to make sure the muscle memory of certain parts of my rotation stay down

My mental goal is usually 90% of sim.


I wouldn’t exacly call 21 or so crests a week being an insane amount. At best it’s roughly 1 upgrade a week give or take.

Agreed. Most folks read the transcripts of Ion’s interview when he eluded towards this, and folks just don’t think about the actual implications. Because… well, what he described with folks jumping straight into +7s and the like is the exact result of stuff like how good delve gear is.

That ain’t a good thing, not even for folks who know how to play the game in +7s and above because that just turbocharges people far too quickly. So… yeah.

Dummies don’t really work for me personally because dummies don’t have mechanics. The whole dynamic changes for me once stuff starts actually happening in combat.

Thats why you make the rotation not something you have to think about. Then you are only focusing on mechanics.



90% is a good goal

Trust me, I’m only focusing on mechanics anyway. That’s why dummies don’t do anything for me. :rofl:

to delvers/solo players its an insane amount compared to what we’ve been getting

to you, the oh so elitist raider or M+er it aint…


just pvp then. you dont need pve gear to do open world pvp or casual bgs. i find 0 fun in pvp even on a winning streak in rated it just feels like a chore and in 2 weeks i was able to at a very slow pace gear up and get to 1600 since that was what 10 blitz wins got me. at that point i had a near full set of gladiator gear and was nearly pvp ilvl cap. if all your trying to do is casual content you need need gear cap

I don’t know yet what they’ll introduce as the replacement for the awakened pieces that they took off the raid track but doing the whole season fully delving/LFRing each week you could end up on maxed heroic with a fair few near max-mythic geared.

It would take you a while but:

  • Crafted pieces for non tier at highest crafted level (since we get 21 gilded per week, 18 from the dungeon and 3 from the guaranteed bounty chest)
  • Trinket likely at max heroic from Delves OR wherever the 1-2 pieces of awakened gear will come from.
  • If the two pieces of awakened gear comes back from raid progression BiS will likely be Gallywix awakened weapons. Otherwise crafted.
  • Tier gear will be Heroic gear likely from bountiful delve chest or vault.

It’s looking incredibly good for casual players this season.

They increased the gilded crest drops a bit. You now get 3 x 7 gilded per week from t11 and a bounty used on a t11 gives 10. That’s a total of 31 per week. Along with crest conversion, getting upgraded hero tier/trinkets with myth crafted everything else is doable, slow but doable.

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Oh nice that’s even better. Potentially two weeks to get a myth crafted which is kinda nutty good for solo play. I know for sure I’m getting my weapon up.

Plenty of people disagree with you. Just because you don’t see the challenge, or even get a challenge from it, doesn’t mean it’s not challenging for others. You don’t get to decide what is difficult just because you may not have had a hard time with it.


Why does that matter? If 3 types of content award X ilvl they should have comparable difficulty. One shouldn’t be drastically easier because the average person engaging with that content is worse.


I think everything should have a follower mode. It would certainly help bring me back into more content.

I don’t really care.

You’re missing the point. It’s not challenging enough to award hero track.

Each different game mode has its own set difficulty level that awards gear. Out of the ways to get hero track delves are the easiest and it’s not even close.

You’re missing the point. It’s not challenging to you. You don’t set the bar for what constitutes enough of a challenge for given gear level.

Which completely invalidates your little opinion.

Don’t you have some videos to fake?


Actually you’re missing the point.

If A B and C offer hero track. A and B are equal in difficulty but C is absurdly easier than options A and B that’s an issue.

C is delves in this scenario. They are simply not difficult enough to award hero track in their current form.

My opinion isn’t invalidated because you struggle with simple content doesn’t mean it’s not too easy.

Im the one that’s not biased in this situation.

Outside of running BGs, I haven’t interacted with a single player in over a year. I’d say the game is already about as single-player as it can get.

Follower Raids aren’t a question of IF, but WHEN.