More solo content - the future of WoW

I feel like some of you guys didn’t read my full post. I’m not saying that solo content should throw mythic level gear at the player for free-like one or 2 delves and now your fully geared. I’m talking a month or two of constant grinding to get gear, Maybe an average of two months of nonstop playing for mythic gear.

That’s the trade off. If you ran mythic+ or raids, you can get your gear much faster. That’s how it should work. Solo players= longer to get gear
Team play= faster rewards.

Let’s look at classic WoW as an example. I solo Qed AV for 7 or 8 weeks straight for rank 14 gear, (post PVP rank changes) as I couldn’t raid and didn’t want to do GDKPS (pay for gear). After the grind I now had top end gear.

Fortunately for you Eärlindë, I relate to and agree with you. Not only that, I think it’s time to take it one step further.

Far too long have the elitist been gatekeeping others from getting the gear we deserve. We pay for this game, and we should be able to access all it’s features. I am personally capable of doing mythic content so this isn’t a fight I’m battling on my behalf, but a fight I’m battling for a long time friend of mine.

You see, when I was a little kid I liked bananas. Every day I brought a banana to kindergarten and ate it during snack break. One day I realized that I wanted a banana friend to play with, so that’s when the thought struck me. I’ll create my own banana buddy! My experiments began immediatly, and they all ended up fruitless. I soon gave up on the project, but always remembered those bananas.

One day, 10 years later, I was sitting in my room playing wow, the cataclysm expansion, when I heard a scraping sound from my wardrobe. I turned around to check it out, and went over to open the wardrobe. As I opened it I was struck with fascination, a since long forgotten banana had grown a mold culture so developed it was sentient! I finally had my own banana friend, and I named him Bob.

I showed Bob the wonders of the world, the WORLD of warcraft. We made a troll hunter for him, because the hunched over position of the troll and the toxic nature of hunter players reminded of Bobs toxic mold. Bob’s had a tough time learning the basics of wow since he’s a banana after all, but with my help he’s killed boars in Durotar, traversed the Thousand Needles on foot, and T-bagged ganked lowbies in Un’goro Crater. The more he played, the more his skill progressed, and by the end of Cata he managed to queue into LFR only to die within the first 30 seconds on Spine of Deathwing. But that didn’t matter to Bob, Bob was happy, and that made me happy.

Fast foward another 15 years and we’ve arrived at today. Bobs mold has developed even further, and he’s even better at WoW. He’s now taken on the new raid and cleared it, and that without the help of any other players too! Bob heard there was a new story mode available for the raid, and since Bob and I likes stories he dove right into it. We’ve both heard that WoWs new raids are supposed to be hard now, but he don’t think they’re hard at all, that’s how good he is now. He slayed Queen Ansurek on his first attempt in the story mode raid, he didn’t even know the mechanics before he went in. Other players should probably learn from Bob, so they can achieve a fraction of his power.

However, it didn’t award any loot, which was a letdown for Bob. So Bob did his research and found out that the best loot is in m+, mythic raiding and delves now. Since Bob is a banana he doesn’t want to group up with other humans, so he’s gatekept from most of that content. He tried delves, but it didn’t go his way and that brings us here.

Bob thinks he’s being gatekept from good gear. He’s paying for the game and should be able to play it how he wants and get all the rewards there is. M+ and raiding with people is out of the question since Bob plays solo. Delves would work, if only blizzard hadn’t made one fatal mistake. They overtuned them! Everything kills Bob in there, and he can’t complete a single delve. This is a tragic mistake on blizzards behalf, considering how great of a player Bob is. They need to compensate Bob for this.

That’s why Bob and I think that quests should now reward myth track gear, because whilst quests can be extremely hard for elite players such as Bob, they’re not impossible like delves.

Let Bob get BiS gear from questing, or you’re gatekeeping him from the game.

We read it. We don’t agree with you. Solo content will never be able to be as difficult as group content. It’s just not possible. Delves are a prime example of that.

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I don’t think you read the post, or you have some severe troubles understanding sarcasm.

I only read the top part.

The Bob story is actually hilarious.

Thank you, the story about Bob the moldy banana and the injustices he faces from blizzard and the elites gatekeeping him is a work of art if I may say so myself.

You’re welcome. Sorry I just had woke up when I half read your post. My apologies.

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Nemas problemas. Hope you started the day of with a chuckle!

My biggest issue with delves is they are just boring

Here is the thing people that want progression but don’t want to deal with finding a team that was willing to help them learn mythics and raids are just going to find another way to get their gear, aka pay for it. In BFA I was learning to tank a 5+ key (the goblin dungeon I forgot what it’s called) and I had accidently faced the boss in the wrong position and two dps died. The one dps was so mad about the death and his raider IO score that he left the key, even though it was MY KEY… after that I started solely relying on boosting communities which were allowed at the time. My guild could not down heroic Nzoth and I wanted the mount. So I paid for a wow token, sold it, and then paid (with gold for a carry a boost for AOTC) I do not have time to learn 90 million mechanics for fights. Gatekeeping in a video game is stupid.

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Probably because Mythic+ isn’t where you should be learning basic combat techniques like not facing a boss towards the DPS lol.

Skill issue and there is no such thing as gatekeeping. You literally admitted as much when you said you paid for it lol.

I fundamentally disagree with you.

easy content shouldn’t reward gear from harder content, period. not even if you do more of it. it’s still easy content.


And this is why we have delves now and follower dungeons, because the community is so toxic towards people who are not good at dodging a million swirlies and not knowing whether those effects on the ground are friendly effects or not.

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Fun fact: The mechanics from Mythic 0 and Mythic+ don’t change. If you want to learn, do Mythic 0 where you won’t kill a key or waste someone’s time trying to increase IO.

Yes… but I am the type of player needs to learn with deaths so I know that that mechanic needs to be followed. I started tanking mythic 0s and had no issue. Once I started getting in higher keys that’s where the toxic people come in. A mechanic isn’t teachable if the healer can just heal right through the mechanic. It took me 1000 or more (I wasn’t counting) deaths on Malenia in Elden Ring to learn the fight well enough not to die as much. The entire reason we have more solo content in live WoW right now is because Blizzard recognizes there is a barrier for a ton of players going into heroic raids and mythic+. If they got rid of timed keys, raider IO, less complex mechanics, more people I think would actually want to try this content.

Yeah, that makes literally zero sense considering the mechanics are exactly the same lol.

How so? Bosses hit harder in mythic+ In mythic 0 there are some mechanics that would not one shot you if a mechanic is ignored, where as in higher keys the mechanic is more dangerous. Furthermore, bosses have less health, so mechanics can even be ignored that way. (I’m talking about BFA mythics fyi in case that wasn’t clear, don’t know how current mythics are)

So basically you are admitting you are standing in mechanics and getting killed, rofl.

No wonder you had to pay your way through the raid.

That’s how you learn in video games my, guy. Obvious troll. I’m not falling for it. Solo content is going to be the future with better and better rewards. And fyi the reason my guild could not clear was because we didn’t have the dps.

People like you are the reason we have delves and solo dunegons.

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Or you could do the exact same mechanics in Mythic 0 and not purposely stand in them lol.

People that do mechanics?