More solo content - the future of WoW

Elitists. mythic keys and their gear are only for people who’ve memorized everything there is to know about that content.

You could do the same in Mythic 0 lol.

I am going to tell you a little story. I played in OG wrath as a prot paladin tank. I finally get up to heroics and the healer was having issues keeping me alive, even on simple trash. The healer whispered me and inquired about my stats after we wiped too many times and the group broke apart. The group knew we probably weren’t going to get it done, but they stuck around and were throwing out advice before they left. One person said it was probably my defense stat was not high enough. ( i think it was defense it’s been so long.) It turns out the problem was my stats. Once I got those up I was able to tank. In live people would just say “bad tank” and everyone would leave or a dps would just pull everything.

The issue is people like you not wanting to give people a chance in mythic+ and harder content, so now we have more and more solo content. I honestly believe that timed keys will eventually be gone.

How long should I play to get full myth track gear from questing? How about if I’m only collecting herbs? How many critters would I need to kill before I have my BiS?

That’s also solo play, and since you don’t seem to attach rewards to a specific level of challenge, but rather time spent doing a certain piece of content, those would also reasonably grant you full myth track eventually.

Well the way other online RPGS do it is weeklys. I really wouldn’t call Destiny 2 a MMO but I played that game when it first came out. Raiding for gear was super complex and very mechanic heavy in their first raid. However, they allowed you to get the best gear in terms of item level simply by completing your weekly stuff, and u got a guaranteed piece of gear. I’m not advocating for that, but I think giving players options to maybe to solo farm their gear either through current systems or new systems would be a good way to retain players. I came back to classic wow and spent 8 weeks in AV sitting at towers and points, or rushing ahead with the main force in a turtle for gear. Longest I ever stuck to classic. And I would have kept playing this toon had new realms not come out.

So what you’re suggesting is lowering the skill required to get the best gear, along with timegating it for the low-effort-method?

Do you still think one should be able to get BiS gear through questing, gathering, killing crittera etc. but there’s a longer process to it?

Or should the skill requires only be lowered so that people that are able to do delve tier X can get the rewards, but worse players are kept out of it? Where do you draw the line?

So odd how much solidarity the solo folks seem to have with delves. Like I stand with you…but over here, so don’t talk to me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Wrath heroics were braindead and there was no loss for failure. If you want the same experience, Heroics still exist in the game today. Not only that, you can do Mythic 0 and learn the dungeon mechanics without wasting someone’s time in Mythic+ lol.

I think at some point we’ll be able to do the content we want solo with AI. We’ll be able to run mythic raids, m+ and even arena.

Then thats their choice. This has literally zero relevance to delves awarding gear.

People are alowwed to leave any key where people dont even know basic mechanics. Its not his fault you chose to start a key and had to be carried through it.

Then you should pay for something if you want it and choose to not put the effort in. AOTC is very easy content.

There is zero gatekeeping in this game. Its literally impossible. Thats a buzz word bad players use to cope with not being successful in the game. Everyone has the same opportunity in this game. That doesnt mean equal outcome

Yeah you should stop thinking that, Its not going to happen

I mean… we had horrific visions and the world didn’t stop when solo content gave out mythic gear with appropriate difficulty.

Sure, limit the amount of attempts and making it at least somewhat difficult could work I guess. If you fail then though luck, no more attempt for you this week.

Nobody is against the idea of solo content awarding great gear, they’re just against the idea that easy content award great gear.

Scale delves infinitely and let tier 20 delves give a myth track item for all I care, that could work too.

Looking at the scaling would be closer to 13-15. Sure you can point at outliner specs but most classes are not clearing a 11 without full heroic and some mythic gear.

Yeah it’s more to highlight that it needs to be higher than what it currently is. Since there is a severe lack of mechanics in delves you don’t have much counterplay there, I snoozed through 11s the time I decided to give those a go.

Make a challenge that is hard enough, and that challenge can award myth grack gear, whatever that challenge is.

When you say give a go was that full mythic and with careful pulls?

I did a few 11s and in full mythic while not hard would kill if you were careless. If something can threaten a full mythic geared player its beyond what mythic should reasonably reward no?

I’m glad there starting to understand us now adults have full times jobs or more than one job 15 kids three spouses…cats dogs birds…

And really don’t have the time anymore…but still want to play, if they did not do something that players base would eventually dry up…because new generation are not interested in this game when there are 1000000 of better games on different platforms that have a beginning a middle and a end that are like 60 hours long from start to finish… Xbox play station Nintendo switch. And free steam games

To tell you the truth I would be playing my PS5 if I can understand how to work the controller…

I can’t remember exactly, but I was probably in the upper 620s yeah. I held w and probably got somewhere between 2-3 packs at a time, depending on the distance between those packa. Mind you I was a tank, so that’s easymode.

But that’s what I mean about it having to be a proper challenge for everyone that can run it, it shouldn’t be this easy just because I tank it.

Even if I didn’t tank it you can cc a whole lot and kill less mobs at a time, making it very easy but very slow. Since there’s no timer or enrage timer to meet you can let the delve take an hour, time doesn’t matter. There’s just so much that needs to be improved upon for them to be properlt challenging across the board.

As stated, it needs to be hard for all classes/specs for it to be good, not just hard for you.

Seems like it would be easier to tune if you removed tanks and healers from queues. I never really see the need to have solo content for the two group designed specs.

Absolutely, though I doubt people would appreciate being locked out of content with their preferred spec.

The problem remains with the rest of classes though, a hunter will have a much easier time once packs get dangerous for example since he can nuke 1 mob from a distance, feign death, and then repeat until all mobs are dead. You must make it equally challenging for that hunter as for a fury warrior for example.