More solo content - the future of WoW

That is literally all anyone has been saying.

They have not been saying “the only gear to ever drop in WoW should be from mythic raiding” like you are pretending.


ok, well I’ll admit I misunderstood everyone and probably look like a buffoon lol

I actually want more challenging stuff I can do on my own or with my friend or small group of friends if I get them to play WoW. Its like a 3-4 person team if I get all my irl friends to join (already got one to join with me). But none of us want to plow through the game as fast as possible, knowing them and myself, we’d all get bored quick that way lol

Also delves kinda seem easy

The core arguments have been " right now, delves give gear not consistent with the difficulty it takes to get the gear in other content"

Nearly all of us accept delve gear is staying. We are not generally asking for it to be nerfed. Generally, the argument has been that it shouldnt really be increased upon, because delves are not difficult enough to warrant even a better return on rewards.

That was the basis for most people responding. Delves giving heroic raid quality rewards, despite being, generally speaking, not that difficult.

I fully support difficult content on a small scale. My issue is that the smaller you make something, the less difficult it often becomes. And that makes rewards higher than heroic problematic.

What about something like the mage tower? I remember early on it was complained (by some anyway) about being too hard (at least what I recall, its been a while), I remember personally enjoying it. I think they changed it at some point to make it easier though, but I may be wrong as again my memory sucks :frowning:

But I liked stuff like that, and I’d even want harder stuff that takes time to figure out and learn. I dunno what they can do though to make it harder honestly or challenging and have progression. But long-term stuff over an expansion that takes time to figure out and progress would be cool, like maybe start easy and it gets maybe not harder…but more complicated with more mechanics and stuff. Just spitballing here with no actual specific idea.

But either way…yeah sorry for being a blundering idiot xD

Mage Tower is fun, and I enjoy those.

It got naturally “nerfed” over time, because it stayed the same while everyone else got more gear.

The issue is the amount of time it takes to create solo content adequately. Mage Tower had like what. 7 different scenarios? Because it gave a solid attempt at breaking up specs into groups for similar challenge levels. It wasnt perfect, but it gives an idea on what is needed for solo challenging content.

Delves/Visions, can be fun. But one size fits all solo content has to be streamlined and becomes easier when all specs are expected to participate in the same event.

It looks as if there will be around a dungeon delves and dungeons in an expansion. For the same amount of mage tower content, that would be 60-70 different mage towers.

yeah, tbh I thought I’d like delves and I kinda do, and its great they added them. I’ll still do them. But at least the ones released right now aren’t the most challenging stuff in the world in comparison to the rewards you get. So I guess I missed that point entirely earlier, but yeah.

Like it doesn’t even have to be solo either btw, but something 2-4 people can progress toward…it is still an MMO after all. Like I think destiny 2 (I know not WoW and not exactly an MMO) group size is 3 if I remember right (or at least it was me+2 of my friends who played lol), and the content in that game (was at one point, stopped playing it was too expensive) was pretty challenging if I recall. Though it is a shooter, but still offered challenging content for the 3 of us

But blizzard would have to actually set a team to design stuff like mage tower, and I dunno how many people actually did it. Honestly, maybe it be a waste of their resources if not enough people actually liked it/did it, I dunno

Not everyone has the schedule that’s required to meet up with the same people everyday. It’s not just being antisocial sometimes it’s hard for people to literally find time.

Many people are decent parents, work and go to uni. Sometimes you can’t get on at 7pm when your friends are on because there is life outside of Azeroth.

Some of us don’t stop being parents or being on call for work because it’s mythic time. Some of us prioritize real life first. It’s easy to look your nose down and assume it’s being anti social, but it’s not always the case.

The thing with Destiny is that it doesnt have a “holy trinity”

3 man content in WoW would either require a tank/healer/dps line up. Which would sorta suck.

Or the mobs just wouldnt hit hard enough, and its all a dps race.

I think Delves and other small scale flex content is the closest we will get to 3 man content.

Most people raiding and doing m+ have a family, job, etc.

No one says to prioritize WoW over those. And its very close to implying that that partake either dont have those…or are bad parents/etc.

well, the other option is just to make it a lot longer to get the gear. If not something like mage tower, just have gear progression take super long to get I guess. In that regard, the harder content players would actually always get ahead, but the easier content like delves would always be behind, but still keep progressing.

Like to explain if that didn’t make sense.

People who pertake in high end mythics get the best gear
casual players (and even those in easier mythics) get gear, but at a progressively slower rate the easier the content is. Technically they could get the best gear, but if you take two people playing roughly same amount of time, one will always be ahead.

But they still keep progressing…like…a hamster on a wheel :stuck_out_tongue: or a incremental game is another example I suppose, just one group progresses faster than the other and can technically always be ahead (unless they stop playing)

But in that regard, there would always be progression (well at least to me getting better items even if super slow would still be progression)

Delves I think progression is too fast for the level of difficulty it is, fun to do I mean me and my friend have fun doing delves together, just progression seems on the fast end

Believe what you wish.

You still crying about this? Jesus, sing a new song kid.

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You don’t understand what that word means kiddo.

I enjoy delves because I enjoy solo play over dealing with morons like you that sap the fun out of the game.

You still ignoring facts? Educate yourself or don’t. Your call.

And you aren’t half as smart as you think you are. Hence why it’s ironic.

No one cares if you enjoy delves. Stop pretending they are difficult enough to award hero track.

Or continue looking clueless. Your call.

He’s not wrong, endgame pillars need to be balanced.

Then let me spell it out for you , last time I raided consistently was all the way back in Wrath during Naxx and I’ve never run a single M+.

Now THAT is ironic. No one cares if you don’t see the challenge in delves. Not a single person. It’s just sad kid. Sad sad sad. You actually believe coming to this forum and crying about “durr baddies git duh goodz stuffs, not fair to meee” will result in you getting your way. That’s so unfortunate for you. Seriously, bless your little heart.

“Balance” is a word people use in gaming when they have zero argument.

Someone getting hero track gear in delves doesn’t harm any of you M+ cry babies. You all just want to believe that you’re the only ones that should get anything worthwhile because, well, that’s what you choose to believe.

Fortunately for anyone with a brain, the people in charge can see a bit further than the tips of their noses so, they understand there is no harm in what is rewarded in delves versus high-end group content.

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That literally no one is agreeing with you rofl

Which part of “the difficulty should be the same in delves as it is in mplus and raiding to award hero track” are you not able to comprehend?

Thats not even the argument. Try learning some comprehension.

The irony is you cant even understand the basic argument we are making.

You of all people shouldnt be talking about “anyone with a brain”

You don’t believe it’s possible to do zekvir “??” (Hard mode) Wearing nothing but jewellery and a weapon, resulting in equivalent total stats to someone of roughly 520 ilvl, when you had previously stated the fight required an ilvl of roughly 620?

What part of it don’t you believe exactly? Or even how do you think someone could fake such a thing with a single uncut stream vod?

I honestly find your defiance on the matter fascinating. It’s like yelling the sky is green.

This is the only comment of any substance in your post, and it’s a strawman. When have I argued that?

Balanced endgame pillars that offer equal rewards for equal effort isn’t withholding rewards. I want delves to be a meaningful endgame pillar.

Given the quality - or lack thereof - of your post…glass houses and all that, eh bud? If you reply again, I encourage you to reply without childish insults, assumptions, or fallacies - I’m embarrassed for you.