More LGBT content please

Well, when you make movies that pander to an extreme niche, don’t expect the masses to be your patrons.

America first, China can deal with it.

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im not surprised. every movie now has politics crammed into it. never thought i’d see the day when wanting well written characters rather than shoehorned politics would be considered controversial.


Started watching old western movies. I am done with modern movies. Tired of being preached at.


Yay, more people to add to the ignore list. lovely.

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hugs Willowbloom

It’s not so bad.

i was never a western fan but doctor who is a prime example of shoehorning politics into a show. i used to LOVE doctor who i had physical copies of every season. then they had to cram politics into it and now they completely destroyed the lore, crapped on beloved characters and outright disrespected fans.

only redeeming news is it backfired so badly the show might end up being cancelled so they cant ruin anymore history and lore.


I meant you, dummy.

Well, I won’t ignore you. May peace flow in your home.

@Arianatar, I understand. I just watched the good, the bad and the ugly. Fantastic movie.

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Then just do it. You don’t need to advertise to everyone. No one cares who is on your ignore list.


i actually watched that a few weeks ago, it was good. youtube randomly recommended it to me.

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Just shooting the breeze about movies :tropical_drink:

When I was taking care of a grandmother she watched Gunsmoke, bonanza, and the rifleman.

Those grew on ya.

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My wife and I would be thrilled to have more content tied to the LGBTQIAAP+ community. Although we’re a minority, we would still like our ideas and lifestyles represented inside of the game more often.

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When I was in my early 20’s, all I wanted to watch were action and horror movies. Pushing 40, I much rather watch a western. The plots are far superior.

Lmfao you straights™ really are coping so hard that you’re gonna invent conspiracy theories about me. Gee well I better tell my BOYFRIEND that he and I are breaking up, as some random stranger on the internet says I’m not gay!

Literally look at yourself. I’m done playing nice with people who think I owe them an excuse for existing and being visible. Get over it.


Better bait, but still bait nonetheless. You’ll get bites.


This thread is sub optimal.


Bro no one cares who you want to sleep with. Keep it in the bedroom like everyone else.


Are you intentionally trolling or do you actually stalk every LGBT thread you see?

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Odd, I haven’t been in one in awhile. Cool, that I have a fan club though.

You’ve failed to refrain from stalking my threads and I see your name in here too like what are you actually doing, get a grip.

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