More LGBT content please

waves at Talonel


Ah, so you’re just trolling, and I think it’s a safe assumption that you hate LGBT as to why you’re so suspiciously invested in trying to gatekeep.

Muted and sit.


For someone claiming to be tolerant, you sure aren’t practicing what you’re preaching.

Go fish.


stealth hugs Vicktoria and scampers away

I’m the B in that tidy collection of letters, and I think it’s bait. Now what?
Edit; oops, I kept reading. Still, my point stands, just now directed at OP and others :stuck_out_tongue:

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Potential trolling and/or ideological virtue-signaling of the original post aside, this game is rated T; they’re not going to go into detail about sexuality with that rating.


Yeh I am or have been all the letters in that acronym (currently T and B but I tried G and L before I figured it out!) and this is clearly bait.


Terrible bait. However, people still bite.


No they won’t. It’s a PC topic, so it’s going to get left up. It doesn’t matter if it’s the same small group of people spamming the forums with low effort bait. Concern trolling is a sanctioned activity in GD.

You do realise you fell for it harder than most, right?

If you say so.

What can you do? Keep on keeping on.

I’ve seen at least three of these threads and you’ve been spam-bumping each of them.

I’m getting tired of being called a troll. Reread my entire post because it’s not trolling at all. You need a reality check of what trolling looks like because that’s not it. Please take your hate and bias elsewhere.

And who said anything about going into minute details of sexuality? Sheesh just take a step back and breathe friend.

YOu don’t owe anyone an excuse . Just exist and stop shouting to the world “I EXIST YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE ME”. YOu just make people want to go “Sit down , shut up and go through life like the rest of the world just because you are LGBT does not make you special”.


Tell this to half of the United States. Especially the part that I drove through last weekend, with Trump signs on every lawn (months after the election), just before turning on to Jefferson Davis Highway.

Once again upvoting yourself with your alts. Why?


I want a good game, not a political woke statement disguised as one. I don’t care if there are lgbt characters, but it should never be an important plot element because that destroys immersion with blatant pandering.

I suggest the devs retroactively make every major Warcraft character LGBTQ. After all, it worked so well in Overwatch.

While we are adding things the game lets throw in some redneck based quest I mean why stop there we could add all kinds of stuff

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The lack of self awareness in these discussions is astounding.

Every person that responds to “Let’s add more LGBTQ characters” with “Stop doing this” or, more often “I don’t care if they do but [reasons why actually, I very much don’t like it]” is kiiiiiinda proving exactly why it matters.

If you don’t respond with the same negativity to every NPC or quest with a M/F romantic plot element, claiming you don’t care about LGBTQ ones is a lie. You very clearly only want one kind of relationship to be visible in our game.