More LGBT content please

Agreed, we need more transorganic to inorganic life form representation.

A man who thinks he’s a sentient chair is a great start.


you’re pushing an agenda are you not?..same basic ideal…we really don’t need to see the same threads over and over here…all you’re doing is making the community pissed off, thus with the base in that frame of mind, Blizzard won’t do anything for fear of alienating its primary player base.

…i.e. - keep it off the forums and petition Blizzard directly through emails and such.

Also, by not posting on a main pretty much negates anything you have to say since you’re afraid to stand up for what you want and hide behind a troll toon.

They got the Elk and the Unicorn in Arden Weald and Pelagos in Bastion . I would also say Theotar in Revendreth (Now can anyone honestly tell me he’s not) . All they need is one in Maldraxxus but even then if people like Talonel are being honest about being part of the LGBT community (highly doubtful) they want every character to represent the lgbt community.

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How so? I made a positive post about the game and what I’d like to see more of. The forums are here to voice opinions and feedback. I did so and hope blizzard takes this into consideration.

Don’t listen to posters like that for one second. The logic is of insanely low intelligence.

Say I made a thread asking for more puppies to be in the game.

These people would be nowhere to be seen, as they do not secretly hate puppies lmfao.

They literally hate us because we’re LGBT+. It’s sad but it really is that simple. That’s why they’re here. That’s why they aggressively post in these threads.

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This dumpster fire thread is still here?

Munches on dark chocolate peanut m&ms

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the same lady gaga that didnt give a crap her dog walker was murdered? all she cared about was her stupid dogs.

why do you need representation? i dont need it and im not represented in any games so…


As an alphabet person myself I really really dislike trying to be different from others. I don’t want alphabet content to be to satisfy some diversity metric. I want it to be seem less that you barely notice and no attention is called to it. Don’t make our community like that please. Normalize it but don’t make it obvious otherwise it is tokenism and worthless

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its a screwed if you do… screwed if you don’t thing.

If they delete it: “omg they hate lbgt” “to the twittermobile!!”

if it stays up “omg this is a troll post blizzard has no balls to delte!!111”

They want 50% representation, despite being below 5% of the population.


I rather burn the twitter crowd. Most of them don’t even play the game.


Or buy X product or support X item or X business.

Soon companies will realize how little influence twitter has… one good thing to come from the pandemic is people are finally realizing how useless celebs are.


I have no want or need for representation in a video game. On the stack of things that matter in the world this matters the least. Does a gay animal make my character hit harder? If not, I don’t care at all.

Now they are swinging right, but the damage is done. So glad they are finally getting a taste of reality.

Hollywood needs to collapse. It’s a cesspool of corruption.

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i knew hollywood was a dumpster fire but i didn’t realize till the whole lady gaga dog thing just how morally bankrupt they were. I think it needs to burn to the ground and be built backup with people that care about more than themselves.

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Bunch of devil worshippers who undermine nationalism and want to destroy everything good.

It might sooner or later. It’s a house of cards and currently movies aren’t doing well (even before covid) Movies are starting to easily cost 500+ million (advertising lumped in with that) and some studios have had to write off some major losses.

Add in China meddling with our movie content and it waters down some to a bland mess.

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hopefully sooner rather than later. too many of my favorite franchises have been ruined by Hollywood’s nonsense.

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The true barometer will be Disney releases post covid… i think the stove that is the MCU has cooled… not to mention some of the marvel movies are getting political. Black widow is a #metoo movie.

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I’m so happy to see this not getting flagged to pieces - I’D LOVE TO SEE MORE OF IT TOO GOSHDARNIT AND IN CHARACTERS THAT WE DON’T JUST BRUSH BY!!!


Willow :transgender_flag: :heart: :transgender_flag:

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