More LGBT content please

Representation? It’s a fantasy game with warrior Orcs and various other races battling. How does any of it represent humans? If fact I bet the number one reason people play games like this is to escape reality solely for entertainment. How does any of that represent our lives? And why should it?

If they make content just for LGBT then I want the option to get married in game have kids and watch my kids beat up the kids next door. Ya represent life sucker fish.


Because Blizz decided that’s how it is now. That’s the point of the customizations. Representation and making your character like you.

It’s the same with the story. They’re not adding characters like this to make the story better or because that is or was the vision or whatever, it’s purely a reaction to real world events now. When they didn’t care about injecting the real world into the game no one cared and the characters already existed alongside all the others.

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I’m confused on why it was flagged.



I’d rather have cat girls

level 11 alt? very suspicious

The minute World of Warcraft goes “Woke” I leave forever. Reading about that crap everyday in the news is bad enough, people don’t play games to be subjected to things outside of the game. It’s a fantasy world.


I’d say that they are off to a good start. lol

Ah no. It’s just a fantasy. Not one quest in shadowlands reminded me of real life so far. Sure yes, our entertainment can reflect real life, but always with a dramatic twist, and that’s in stuff with real people.

So when you strap on a pair of oversized swords at the transmog station u are reflecting yourself? Or when you cast a spell you feel it’s you? Wow, I thought I had issues.

Says a lot about you as a person if you feel ‘subjected’ when you see an LGBT relationship in video games.


I play an elf, so no I dont project like that.

I’m just explaining to you the goals that Blizz has presented.

More like you, specifically appear to have a deep seated and irrational hatred of LGBTQ+ people. So much so that you strive time and again to intentionally damage the community in the eyes of others; by using this forum as a vessel to carry out your personal attacks. You try to paint the community as a group of never satisfied zealots. That’s as far from factual as anyone ever could get.

You continually make threads like this knowing in advance that they will be incendiary, you use as much rhetoric as you can to inflame people; and it’s all out of an effort by you as an individual to slander the community by striving to create as much animosity for them as you can. You’ve also done it enough times as well that it can’t be mere coincidence. If not coincidence, then one must assume it to be driven by a more ulterior motive.

No one minds when we get LGBTQ+ content, and we’re happy when it appears; but like the rest of the community we are not demanding it at the exclusion of all others. This is because we know what it is like, and would not wish it on anyone else. Stop trying to use the community as your shield. You are just a petulant projector and you are not fooling anyone.

Take your anger elsewhere Talonel. Everyone else, please let this thread die. It’s bait.


Should the game focus on romantic relationships whether they be hetrosexual or homosexual? With the exception of a very few, the game really doesn’t.

I don’t see it happening. All big companies have to say they are working to represent all, now that everyone is pretending to be " woke ".

It will always remain a fantasy game, as it has been for a loooooonnnnng time.

I dont see what’s wrong with what Talonel is posting. He’s responding to those who hate LGBT realtionships in-game for some odd reason. I agree with Talonel on his stance that there’s a lot of homophobic comments in this thread. I have a feeling if my thread was about relationships that are straight, the thread wouldn’t get nearly as much hate if any.

I don’t see how you think anyone is demanding anything. Suggestions are simply that and my feedback is I’d like to see more LGBT relationships and representation.

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Mod if you remove the OP flag then you should ban the people who false flagged him, otherwhise nothing will change, ban those homophobic people!

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It’s really long overdue that become a bannable offense. Same for people who jump on their alts to mass flag someone they don’t like. It’s been a problem since day 1 of the new forums and they’ve never done anything about it.


Long gone are those days and to never return. Woke is here until people start standing up and saying they have had enough. However, as of now its wrong think to say such things. Only when we cut through the pc/woke/feelings brigade can we actually go back to some sort of normal.

But what do I know, I am looked at as a bigot/racist these days do to being a straight white male. (also something else people don’t like to hear about, all the hate on white men these days)

Hang on for a long bumpy ride, things aint looking up anytime soon with china biden in office either rofl.


I play games to escape the damn political crapola that surrounds me every day, on social medis, the news, other people…why for the love of all that is holy would you want to have that here…this is an escape from reality.

Do you not think that others that don’t want to see this stuff due to their beliefs are any less worthy of Blizzards time? C’mon man, they have better things to do than make relationships for you to fantasize about.

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What’s political about LGBT representation? Are you sure you just aren’t politicizing it yourself?


is this netflix? :wink: