More LGBT content please

Romantic interests between characters barely adds anything to the game tho so I don’t care for it lol. Often it makes characters seem less developed like Tyrande. She is so much more than malfurion and Illidans love interest yet it’s often intertwined in the story told around her that it’s mostly what we see… and we don’t really get to see a whole lot of the characters story development within the game itself. A little bit is okay sprinkled here and there sure but I don’t find it’s the best way to tell a story.

Tbh the romantic stories are better left in the books!

And our imaginations :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


They are Narwhals
(Just don’t let 'em touch your balls)
They are Narwhals
Inventors of the Shish Kebab

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Why do you upvote your posts with your alts? Is it that important that you need some sort of validation that you have the correct opinion on the internet?
Literally aren’t even hiding it when they’re in the same guild as you.


I had a bagel with cream cheese this morning. :heart:


Sounds delicious! I had uh… a string cheese. Perfect breakfast.


I want LGBTQ content, to be fair. I just also agree that these threads have historically been too inflammatory :fire:


Ah Sundays you come by so quickly but never disappoint with the useless threads that spring up.

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Would it not have been cute if one of them were female? How about we just have stories and stop worrying about NPC’s sexuality.


Is it strange that I never once noticed anything like what the OP was going on about re the Ardenweald campaign? I did the whole campaign and I vaguely recall 2 soul shape NPCs in some sort of relationship but I just interpret that as 2 rando fantasy creatures. I never ascribed gender to it. I just enjoyed the story for what it was. Meh.


nop keep that stuff in real ife

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so accurate.

Exactly, I went through the entire campaign too, did all the side quests in Ardenweald, etc. & didn’t even realize that I had encountered a same-sex romance until after the fact when people started talking about it on the forums and that’s coming from a huge dork that pays attention to story & lore in any game I play, at least the first time I go through content. I have no idea how I missed it, but it clearly didn’t leave much of an impression.


Watch me…

You can’t post on the forums without a sub. This person really spent $15 just to post this :rofl:

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I’m hoping all the other covenants adopt LGBT characters just like night fae. That’s one of the main reasons I chose this covenant because it feels more inclusive and it’s representing a community that I support. :innocent:

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Players are leaving in droves over development, and this is a priority? Ok

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It’s Sunday 2/10 ive seen better

No thanks.

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When you force something into a game or movie, it usually turns out bad. Let it flow naturally.

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there were a couple of posters giving kudos to it when it was “new”

I’m honestly more impressed like someone stated that the OP made a new account to post this.