More LGBT content please

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I actually agree. It’s absurd.

The LGBT story continues in the Maw.


Does Shadowlands even have a straight couple anywhere in it? I don’t remember because I don’t notice, and I don’t notice because IT DOESN’T MATTER.

As for those of you tossing around the “homophobe” smear like you’re some kind of saint, take a step back from the game and imagine that social forces in real life were such that in every movie, TV series, and video game, there MUST be a prominent devout Christian and a person with autism. These characters can’t be comic relief, they must be treated with dignity and respect. Every. Single. Movie. Every TV series, every RPG. A devout Christian and a person with autism.

And if a movie failed to include these characters, Twitter mobs would take to social media and put pressure on the producers, calling them anti-religious or neurotypical bigots, and the producers bend over backward trying to appease them. And if you spoke out against that trend, you were labeled a bigot. If you pointed out that they should worry more about the story than ticking off demographic checkboxes - particularly if religious belief or autism add absolutely nothing to the story and are completely irrelevant to it - you are labeled a bigot.

You would get sick of that trend very fast, and when people show up on the WoW forums demanding the introduction of Christianity into the game (not simply the Light, but actual Christianity), and characters on the spectrum, you would protest because you are already sick of that agenda in the real world. You would get labeled a bigot by those requesting it, but they would be wrong. You can oppose obnoxious agendas without actually hating the demographic being demanded.

Step down off your high horse - which, quite frankly, isn’t very high - and actually understand what you’re labeling homophobic. The controversy it generates for the WoW community doesn’t exist in a vacuum, nor is it simply “homophobia” when there is protest.


Same. Especially cave-aged like Gruyer.

You bit. That’s what they wanted.


In before they yeet this thread.

:popcorn: get it while it’s hot :popcorn:


I didn’t enjoy that story. Almost made me quit leveling my mage.


In 45 minutes, I will see the back of my eyelids.

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I thought that was a narwhal and now I’ve got the narwhal song stuck in my head.

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Willingly, I hope :open_mouth:

It’s been about a month since I’ve seen one of these, what did you do during your vacation?

those are my exact sentiments; like you said, whenever relationships like this are added in a game its never organic and always contrived because developers are trying to cater to some political movement or score brownie points. if anything, i feel like it insults our intelligence that the entertainment industry thinks that gay people would just gobble up any half-baked, preposterous story simply because it involves gay characters. contrived gay romances aren’t only patronizing and therefore condescending, imo, but they arent going to change someone’s bias towards me or suddenly alter people’s perceptions or make them more open-minded or less ignorant. that’s why i dont have any patience for this incendiary, “you have to accept me or else…” approach that we see on the forums all the time whenever lgbt topics are discussed. if by some miracle an lgbt thread starts with some wholesome, healthy discussion, without fail it always devolves into a flame war. it isn’t doing the lgbt community any favors when we denigrate people for their opinions, even if we don’t agree with them; it’s just obnoxious. and i dont want people to feel like they have to walk on eggshells around me once they realize im gay; im not the pc police, or a tool to be manipulated for someone’s political gain.


Thank you. I feel like my voice does not matter on this forum. I thought the community would be better than this. It’s no wonder we never see any blizzard reps communicate on this forum. I’m really disappointed.

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Obvious Sunday post is obvious

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sheds a single, perfect tear


Well have you ever considered that A. No topic is invalid for a troll to use as a bait, and B. That there is always a loud jerk on every community or group of people that sets out to make your side look bad intentionally or not?

I think we’d all like more content.

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Exactly, this applies to nearly everything, even game mechanics.

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