More LGBT content please

Typically if it’s a phrase or word commonly used against a person or group of people, it’s a loaded term with negative connotation.

For example, verbage that implies that being lgbt is a choice has negative connotations in the context of the discussion even if there are no negative connotations to the same words in other contexts.

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I got to respond to this, sorry, lol. I do not watch media at all. My knowledge is gleaned through social interactions & books, some of them very old.

Wha-? Have we spoken before?

Either way, thanks for the well wishes!

Seeing more Flynn and Shaw together in game would def make me happy, that’s for sure!

There are ways to ask for things without doing people like me the disservice of putting bait phrases in your thread title and bringing all the gross to the yard.

The thread title literally reads like troll bait.

You could have titled the thread something less baity.

While you might have had good intentions, this thread is highly sus.

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Maybe you should put down the old books and do some research on how to effectively communicate in this century.

Makade is a troll that can’t do anything but push basic talking points because he can’t discuss facts like an adult.


You do realize there aren’t any straight (can’t use the H word I guess) stories either right? Except the ones that already existed in the beginning. I don’t see any budding romances between a male and female happening.

How about we don’t force LGBT nor Straight content and just let Blizzard decide what they want to do. This is a friggin video game for crying out loud. They already force enough of everything in Movies and TV shows especially on the CW. Sure some works well but plenty of times forcing it makes it horrible.

Like I’ve said if they are going to add them in do it in a way that I meaningfully act with them like the Pelagos quests or the (sorry keep forgetting their names) Elk/unicorn quests and I might add (and this is a personal observation) the Theotar quests ( I can picture him as a LGBT) toon . All of these characters I am fine with and have no problems with how they may identify because of the interactions my toon/s have had with them I am invested in those characters.

THrow in characters just because and people won’t have that investment in them and the most likely case is all they would end up being some form of a stereotype and I don’t believe that would do the LGBT community any just representation .

They have to structure the game to be able to sell to eastern countries who do not accept lgbt (this is the general conspiracy /theory). Your lucky we got what is in the game and lore.

See tracer and solider 76 as an example… straight as arrows in china

That’s exactly what I was thinking, you just put it in better words lol

People keep saying this as if it will magically become true and it is very weird that y’all keep trying.

The 2020 season finale was too much

You homophobes are so prone to projection. What you said is EXACTLY what you are doing, lol. Exactly. I have consistently given reasoned, factual responses in this thread. You on the other hand? You come in here with this simplistic garbage.

That’s mean. :frowning_face:

Wow is not a dating simulator. You should go play something else for your relationship needs


Doesn’t the sims do a great job of social fantasy?

My post does not involve adding a dating simulator. Nor does it mention any type of bedroom behavior. LGBT characters existing in-game who love each-other much like [Qadarin and Thiernax] are well portrayed imo.

Two dudes who love each other are called “friends”. What’s gay about that?

Romance doesn’t belong in wow, don’t encourage it.

It involves killing things and then dancing in their entrails.

If you need romance in your entertainment go watch the Notebook

then why make any reference to initialism that is used to identify what kind of bedroom parts you like? your sexual ideas and dating have no place in wow this is T for teen game and should stay that way