More LGBT content please

Here come the mass false flag reports :roll_eyes:

Why is this such a focus? When sexuality became an identity, it was blown out of proportion and now it’s treated as such.

It’s not an identity, it’s a sexual preference. That’s it. The only representation that exists is human.

Sexuality, race, disabilities etc. aren’t identities and people who use them as such just give more of an emotional investment to dividing people from other people.


People in the majority are the ones who used these things as a weapon to divide, divide, divide. Why? For their own advantage of course…as usual. Now when we aren’t keeping quiet and are acknowledging the impact of these labels and division and you are quick to say “You need to quit dividing yourself and others in society.” How convenient for you.

Uh huh, sure. I recommend therapy. The world isn’t out to get you.


I agree that the world isn’t out to get me. But the world isn’t as easy for some as it is for you, and you need to recognize that too.

And you’re assuming it’s easy based on sexual preference alone? Or can you accept that everyone has struggles, regardless of your perceived “identities”?

Sounds like you need some therapy. Get your brains in check.


You’re literally complaining about the difficulty of your life on a videogame forum. You see the irony, right?


Not at all. I am in a thread about people like me, commenting about issues that affect me. I am willing to do that in a variety of places if it warrants it. The real question is, why are you here?

Me? I’m a cow. I’m just here to graze.


you make a great argument here LOL

I don’t know you or anything about your struggles. You are correct, everybody has them. But, have you ever had to fear being fired from a job just for being who you are and for who you love? Have you ever been paid less because of your gender? Have you ever had to fear for your child’s life around police just because of the color of his skin? If you haven’t had to encounter any of these types of systemic issues then consider yourself lucky. And try to then have a little empathy for others.

And by the way, stop with the “get therapy” nonsense. It’s childish.

As a proud, God-fearing, black mother of three, I can say no. I’ve never experienced any of that. Have you? If so, you probably need therapy. Paranoid delusions is cause for great concern.


Head canon random characters as gay, no or straight or trans or non binary or whatever if you really want to. LGBT shouldn’t have to be justified or loudly expressed to be lgbt, just like cis and het characters aren’t.
These aspects were never really made clear in any character design one way or another. I get vibes from tehd and Marius to an extent, but it’s not loudly in your face and I think that’s a great dynamic.
Cishet doesn’t have to be the status quo, but neither should the loud and obnoxious expression of sxual or gender identity really be necessary in a game.

Yes… as a gay, Native American man. And I HIGHLY doubt you are who you are claiming to be. You people will stoop to anything.

That explains a lot ( :beers:), actually.

Excuse me?


Yes…you people as in homophobes. And nice racist reference to Native Americans and alcohol. You really are a disgusting person. So you’re a homophobe and a racist. Not surprised one bit…the two go hand in hand.

You mean God-fearing black women? Racist heterophobe.

Noticed you had to mention being a “man” as well. Misogynistic pig with your toxic masculinity.


Childish. You racist homophobes are a dime a dozen.

I’ll take your homophobia and raise you a racism and toxic masculinity.