More LGBT content please

Was not hate I intended to bring, only reason. But I agree; I can do no good here so I shall go.

Oh mercy me…I am just a lover of “reason”. Grow up and be honest for once. Stand for your convictions if you believe in them.

Well said.

Sure thing, just as soon as someone responds to what I said instead of trying to reconstruct that into what they want to believe.

Edit meaning this post

I am not attempting to control the narrative or others thoughts & opinions; you are. That says everything. For the last time




  1. departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

“deviant behavior”

Care to explain what’s wrong with the definition? how is it offensive in any way? The truth is you choose to be offended & seek to control others through weakness & fear.

I despise such as you for your constant need to control others thoughts & behaviors. Saying that have a good day, over & out.

I think adding LGBTQ characters just for the sake of adding representation just because (as in it dose not add anything to the story) is dumb. I mean it’s a game, why do characters need to have a sexual orientation?

And this is coming from a gay man.


The insatiable need to control. I think that should be familiar to any gay men.

& BTW, I hate no one, even LGBTQ. I just have a difference in opinion.

& I have no wish to impose anything on others, they can accept what helps them & reject what does not.

Is this really the last time now? You have said “for the last time” like four times now. Still, you are spending more time here. This must really be important to you.

Here’s a pro tip: By pushing back on other peoples’ assertions, it does not mean one is trying to “control the narrative.” You think gay people are deviant. I get it but disagree, and think your repeated attempts to convince others in this thread means you are a homophobe. Not complicated stuff here.

People like you are always the biggest babies…always the victim…“Bad man…quit trying to control me by calling out my hate!”. I’d suspect if you had to walk in the shoes of a LGBTQ+ person one day in this society, you’d be a blubbering mess in the corner. Learn to have a little empathy before telling others they are trying to control you for pushing back against your hateful language.

Ok, it’s obvious you are too afraid to adress my questions & would rather avoid defending your opinion any further by resorting to ad hominem, you are the one that needs to grow up & define what you believe cause its weak atm.

& yes it is very important to debate, good ideas prove themselves & bad ideas do not, that’s why your ilk loves censorship oh so much.

Point me to one of your “questions”. I see none. All you keep doing is defining the word deviant…a word that you believe applies to LGBTQ+ people. So okay…I’ll bite…what do you want me to address? I’d be happy to do so.

Care to explain what’s wrong with the definition of deviant? how is it offensive in any way? The truth is you choose to be offended & seek to control others through weakness & fear.

edit: Would also be nice to see this addressed. I am not attempting to control the narrative or others thoughts & opinions; you are. That says everything.

Look man, I’ll save you the trouble; truth is on my side & you won’t win that battle.
I try to respect the opinions of others but I do test them to their limits. I hope you can enjoy the rest of your life & hope anything of what I said can help you in life, if not disregard it.

Edit: I leave the validity of truth up to the individual to decide)

So I’m a transgender person and I hate these types of threads because they attract the worst behavior from people like mister dictionary definition poster here.

I am sorry I’m having that effect. I do not hate you.

Lies and calumny.

I understand, I could only imagine what you face, I try & fail at times to understand others through compassion.

I am wholly ignorant of that struggle, but I know what it’s like to be different & how the world loves to mold & shape,

You should understand that words have unspoken connotations that don’t come with the dictionary and they require basic emotional intelligence to comprehend why someone might take issue with your word choices.

Ah see. I am blind without body language & eye contact to go off of social q’s
I do not make it my mission to make others uncomfortable, only to plant seeds in the minds of others to grow &^ they can accept or reject whatever results from it,.

Hey all! What’s going on in here? Good things I trust!

The game def needs more Flynn and Shaw content! I’ll keep saying they should have a part in the Broker Heist in 9.1!


I hate when people assume my post is to attract those who want to troll or derail me. Look at my original post. Can you please tell me how this can be in any way shape or form a negative thread? It’s not my problem that there’s obvious homophobes on this thread that can’t control themselves when it comes to LGBT representation.

I have to go for now. I wish you all find the happiness you’re after, whether you choose to believe that or not, it’s true.