More LGBT content please

When someone acts this way, I’m disinclined to believe gestures are genuine.

“We have a real culture of thrift,” he said. “The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games.”

And then, to ensure there was no confusion in his message, he added that he has tried to instill “skepticism, pessimism, and fear” of the economic downturn into the corporate culture at Activision. “We are very good at keeping people focused on the deep depression,” he said.

Eh, think I might’ve gotten Activision CEO and President of Blizzard mixed up heh.

Yup, you got the wrong person. Sort it out.

Who cares exactly? I didn’t care when it wasn’t in the game and I didn’t care when it was added. FYI: I am bisexual.
Honestly, they should fix their writing first as a whole before they consider adding more stuff like this.

I tune out all the LGBT stuff just as I tune out all straight stuff as well.

I raised a single eyebrow when that 1 dude had a husband in ardenweald. Other than that, I went about my time in wow as normal.

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Are you implying LGBT people are deviants?

This is rich coming from someone that makes LGBT threads at spam levels knowing they are going to antagonize people even from the LGBT community. I will give the OP a pass because this is the first thread I have ever seen by them and will give them the benefit of the doubt of being honest .

You however are probably the biggest cause of backlash towards threads like this and like I have said in other threads your actions are doing and have done the LGBT community and posters like the OP a disservice.


no, we are just sick and tired of the 100’s of these same threads poping up every damn day…forums are not the way to go…contacting Blizz directly with a plan in place and a reasonable request is. We don’t hate y’all, we just hate our forums clogged with these redundant posts everytime we check the forums.


You do realize that was a financial move…show support for a group, get more subs…plain and simple.

Once…one time…just to acquire more subs…nothing more…

As a bisexual man who is engaged to a gay trans man: blizzard is doing just fine right now by adding lgbtq+ characters that aren’t pandery and look just like every other NPC in the world. This is what representation and equality looks like, just like everything else without big fanfare and signaling. If they made a big deal about the whole thing , I’d hate it.


Again, this bears zero resemblance to anything I said, so you are arguing against a comment I didn’t make; a textbook strawman. Moreover, as I stated, the entire lgbt spectrum makes up an estimated 4% of the population, so it is rare “in my world”, which is the real one.

I tire of having to define words for people; define them for yourself as I am wasting no more time doing so:/

Edit: the corruption of lang will not work on me as I am not ignorant enough to fall for it, try some1 else.

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You clearly implied lgbt people are deviant. Stop acting like you’re not being offensive. If you have nothing nice to say don’t say it.

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Would prefer if content did not revolve around what hole they prefer. Thanks.


I am not attempting to control the narrative or others thoughts & opinions; you are. That says everything. For the last time




  1. departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

“deviant behavior”

Care to explain what’s wrong with the definition? how is it offensive in any way? The truth is you choose to be offended & seek to control others through weakness & fear.

I despise such as you for your constant need to control others thoughts & behaviors. Saying that have a good day, over & out.


Yikes. Just yikes.

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You are just an alt created to troll

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“Oh mercy me…I’m not a bigot…I’m must “defining” words for all of you and you are somehow getting upset.” Grow up. You know what you are doing. You came here to call LGBTQ+ gross, disgusting, deviant…insert whatever word fits your view. Let me ask you a question. Why are you here? Seriously, why are you here in this thread? Why did you take precious time out of your daily schedule to stop by here and say the things you are saying? After all, you were quick to say, “I am wasting no more time” when you got tired of “defining words” for other people.

Are you serious? For someone who doesn’t like to waste your time, you decided to jump into this thread to comment, multiple times, over two days? You see, most people make time in their busy schedules for things that are important to them. It is clear calling gay people “deviants” is so important to you that you decided to spend your precious time here. What does that say about you as a person? You should think on that a bit…

Again, if you have nothing nice to say please stop bringing hate an homophobia into this thread.

I love how all of you homophobes keep bashing people for posting positive threads about LGBTQ+ representation because you are “sick and tired of the 100’s of these same threads popping up every damn day”, to quote Picklerick. Before I jumped back into this thread I literally scrolled and scrolled many sections of the forum for a long time and could not find other LGBTQ+ threads. I do recall them popping up from time to time over the years, but so what? You hyperbolic snowflakes crying that your precious eyes can’t take the assault of so many of these posts is just ridiculous. Toughen up. You can simply scroll past the relatively few that come up anyway, but here you are…spending your time perpetuating the type of thread you claim to detest.

Look, just be honest with us for once. Just say it. Say what you want to say: “I hate gay people enough to spend my time to let them know it when given the opportunity.” Just say it. Is that so hard? If you have such strong convictions…then just say it. It’s time for all of us to stop with the games in this society.

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