More LGBT content please

there is technically a straight flag… kinda? its weird.
like theres multiple since there isnt a established straight pride group.

General discussion just wants to turn this into a flame war. I made my post about liking LGBT characters inside the ardenweald zone and got told I was a troll and I’m pushing an agenda.

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And more straight content too. You guys want more, we should get the same treatment. Not so half poop a temp like what there is.

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Never said I was against adding straight realtionships. There’s plenty in the game as is. The same can’t be said for LGBT relationships. My post is about adding more LGBT representation in the game. If you want more straight realtionships, you’re free to make your own thread, but stop trying to derail my thread.

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True but this isn’t the first lgbt post. Plus if I tried make a add more straight content it be flaged.


Correction, you’d get flagged, and removed by the mods. Because you’d be trolling, and the thread would solely exist to antagonize us LGBT+.

gosh darn, second post in the last minute that made me spit out my burger :joy: :rofl:
That’s gotta be the best line you’ve ever said tal

Edit, in case anyone wasn’t clear, the sheer irony

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I would never make a thread for one. And if I did, I wouldn’t be trolling. The straight relationships in this game are a huge joke/cringe and to a degree not there even though there are some, yes.

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Glad to hear that idea is purely hypothetical and would never see the light of day then.

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I’m skeptical if straight relationships outnumber LGBT by more than 33:1 (approx RL representation.)

Sexual orientation for most characters is simply undefined. So, how many “straight” characters do we have? And, in the process, are we absolutely certain they aren’t bisexual?

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Nothing’s defined until the writers decide to do so. We assume all undefined characters are straight until otherwise known.

That seems to be a you problem. You can’t just assign “straight” to every character that isn’t defined as LGBT.

You’re right that’s just how I see it. It’s not accurate to say every character is straight but until the writers say otherwise I just automatically assume.

So, a character whose sexual orientation is unexplored, you grumble about them being another straight character.

With that in mind, I hope LGBT content doesn’t increase like you hope. The focus of WOW isn’t on romance, and I think it should remain that way.

Fair enough, but I think you’re wrong on WoW not being about romance when there’s plenty of it in game already. It adds to character depth and makes me appreciate the story more.

Romance is definitely not the focal point. Sure, there are characters romantically involved with each other from time to time.

You do realize the President of Blizzard wears LGBT+ pride shirts correct?

Corporations follow money. What else is new?

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Ah yes because it’s impossible that he might just want to show a gesture of good faith. /s


I have had a new level of respect when I saw J Allen Brack walk out with a lgbt shirt at this most recent blizzcon. Truly inspiring to all lgbt people and players. It shows they care and are listening. Regardless of the reason, it promoted a positive atmosphere for lgbt representation. I shed a tear knowing my fellow lgbt family are finally being represented more and more in our media. Keep up the good work blizzard! :+1: :rainbow_flag: