More LGBT content please

No romance and gushy stuff. I don’t care who it is. I play wow to stab ppl in the kneecap.

Gnome rogue style


That’s oddly specific, and amazing to see you are BE and not a gnome!

This is the kind of story we need!

I only wish that gnome victims had specific animations for getting kicked in the shins.

When did I say that?
You’re smart enough to know what I mean.

I like to use endgame and infinity war as examples to this sjw force fed crap.

Infinity war has a girl power scene that felt normal and organic when Proxima Midnight got teamed up by Blackwidow, SW, and Okoye. Very great scene.

Endgame, however, had a terrible shoehorned girl power scene that killed the momentum of the climax by shoving in an unrealistic situation n which every single female hero was in one place at one time coincidentally to help Cap marvel. Like, wtf were the males heroes doing? “Oh hey lets just give them this one guys”

Thats what we mean by being forced fed crap for the sake of representation. Stop giving the suits money, they don’t really care about you and are patronizing scumbags.

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Edit: My bad, I was trying to say Americans overstimated the actual size of the population by over 5 times. Got it bass-ackwards trying to rewrite it into something more concise.

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to be fair the first 100 replies or so were mostly people calling out a troll for posting another topic he’s famous for, and then laughing about how he jumped on all his other alts to like his own posts.

The 2nd or third comment was the funniest, liked by 4 of his own alts. It’s since been deleted so I guess he realized it was a bit too obvious.

Why not just turn Goldshire into a phased instance for the deviants to indulge upon?


So is hand holding deviant behaviour according to you?




  1. departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

“deviant behavior” · “a deviant ideology”

societies definition, not mine.

I know what I said may be construed as an “attack” but it is not, just a fact.
Just a fyi. I do not seek to impose control over anyone & their choices. To do so is futile. I only impose my beliefs on myself.

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Okay so, as you may be aware society’s standards, or at least the society of the game developers (USA) no longer considers LGBT deviant, so why do you?

Demographics, depends where you’re talking about.

You’re posting on a forum where the President of the company literally wears Blizzard logo shirts with LGBT pride.

I don’t care if people agree with me. I seek no validation from others. I am willing to debate without censorship unfortunately todays society is fragile as glass:/

Edit: those people care nothing for lgbt, only increases profits, to think otherwise is extremely naive.


idk man i never saw the point of it being open.
its just sexuality. why must we proclaim that this character may also like a mustache kiss from a certain spy master?
this split in the lgbt community is pretty big…

So point is LGBT+ isn’t deviant, there’s a stigma to that word and you know it. There’s no reason to use it.


can somebody turn this topic into something more interesting again?

you’re entitled to your opinion, find happiness & be free:) Peoples opinions can be found in abundance & that’s ok, as long as they’re not imposing them.

we do need to clean house a little bit…
like honestly, people can hide behind our rainbow flag and do some horrible stuff.

Can straight people get a flag also or nah?

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