More LGBT content please

You’re so delusional it’s really sad.

You clearly keep needing the attention or validation.

No one cares what your sexual orientation is and even if they do who cares. It’s none of anyone’s business. You’re clearly making assumptions about me when you can’t make any point but brain dead talking points. The only thing you can do is claim people are phobic and hate gay people while screaming that you’re gay.



I personally hate character relationships in fiction stories, especially in the fantasy and sci fi genre. I find it completely unnecessary. Its also a huge issue in typical action movies. Literally why does a mission impossible movie require tom to get it on with someone that has zero relevance in the movie plot for 5 minutes before he can save the world

I stopped reading novels that focus on relationships period :woman_shrugging: I find it unbelievable that strong protagonists that have been doing fine up until a certain point suddenly cannot defeat the villain because they are too weak without the emotional involvement of their love interest

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Action movies are usually dude flicks so its pretty much a male fantasy “get the girl save the world” trope from waaaay back in the day when things were simpler and it kinda stuck. Same reason why every gay character that you see in a TV show or a movie nowadays is a “yaaas kweeeN” screaming gay best friend. They are stereotypical tropes that sell, sadly.

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How is this thread even have 400 replies lol, what is there to argue against someone wanting more LGBT representation?

What more can I say. I think what needs to be said is plain and can be gleaned from your ridiculous responses. You keep spouting No One Cares and yet, again, here you are. This thread says LGBT right in the second word of the title. If you are so disinterested in this topic and no one cares, why did you steer your car to this thread? If I don’t care about a thread topic I just move along.

Actually I said I don’t care if people are gay or lgbtq or however someone identifies. What makes them happy is their business and doesn’t affect me.

Until it’s rammed down my throat in a video game because game maker isn’t doing “enough” and people demand more.

The fact that anyone demands anything in a game is laughable at best.

All you do is attack people with differing views from you because you can’t have an adult conversation and feel the need to belittle anyone who disagrees with you.

Yes it seems people like to turn posts about LGBT representation and hoping for more future content into something completely negative. Maybe need to self reflect if you have such a negative view on LGBT content in-game for a video game.

You have your own flag. Who has more rights here?

Maybe some self reflection is needed if one thinks an issue should be forced (not saying you personally) instead of naturally happening .Which it slowly is . Pelagos in Bastion , Theirnax and Kadarin in Arden Weald and I would possibly add another to the mix and that is Theotar the mad duke in Revendreth. I can easily picture him as being gay and I don’t mind because I adventured with him and like the story that developed while doing so . I even enjoyed the others because of the interaction with them and if they are to add any more LGBT representation or representation for any group then I would like it that way and not just added just because.

There’s plenty of shows that explore LGBT+ relationships without explicit about their sexuality; Korra and Asami (Legend of Korra), Todd and Maude (Bojack), Mitch & Cam (Modern Family), Will & his husband (Will & Grace). There’s more, these are the ones that come to mind.

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So anything in the game I don’t personally like is being shoved down my throat?

You can either be male or female in game.

Non-binary should be a future option in the game if Blizzard truly wants others to represent themselves in game. other gender-fluid options.

What’s Elune’s ifunny?

Void Elf Palidans not being a thing feels homophobic.

Recent polling has about 4.5% of North Americans identifying os one or more of LGBTQ.

I’m perfectly fine with around 4.5%, or slightly less than one in 20, romantic relationships depicted in WoW being LGBTQ. I think that would be awesome.

Edit because I apparently suck at proofreading: far less than the mean estimate of 23.6% by American adults in 2019. Americans tend to significantly overestimate the size of minority populations in general despite data being widely and easily available.

Same. As long as WoW doesn’t become a young adult romance series I’m fine with any of this.

Please cite your sources.

InfoWars does not count.

Gallup. The same source you cited.

Really strange reaction.

LOL pretty sure someone who’s trying to assert that 80% of people who self-identify as LGBTQ are lying has a political agenda that is not based on kindness nor experience nor data nor truth.