More LGBT content please

Figures that this thread reached something like a mature conversation and you come stomping in like a toddler.

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I’m not going to lie…this did make me laugh. Props

Oh wow. That got flagged fast.

I do think he/she was trying to make things light hearted. And by the way, they do make kind of an interesting point, haha. I know what you are saying, though.

I like mine with lettuce and tomatoes , Heinz 57 and French Fried Potatoes, Big Kosher Pickle and a Cold Draft Beer.


Any quests in WoW that involves a romantic relationship. If you don’t know them, then google. Other people have already given you good examples.

That is not what I asked. I know there are quests that highlight straight relationships, I don’t need to Google them. I wanted to know if there were quests that made YOU feel the same way you felt about this gay one. It turns out you don’t have even one at the forefront of your mind…which proves my point.

Huh? I answered you. All of them. Any of them. Pick one.

Somebody had already said Tyrande and Malfurion. That was the first that I thought of.

I guess I have to give the same answer to this that I gave above.

Again…you eat in the game, NPCs sleep in the game, straight characters are married in the game…and somehow that isn’t forcing “real world stuff” into the game. In fact, WoW is known for being completely full of pop culture references (you know, real world stuff). A gay relationship shows up in the game? “Anyone demanding more inclusion in a game is affecting anyone trying to escape dealing with that BS in the real world.”

By the way, why do you feel the need to escape people looking for more inclusion anyway? What’s so BS about other people wanting to be included in a community? You must be part of the problem if you feel that way. What exactly are you escaping? Being called out for being a homophobe in the real world got ya down? You bigots are such special snowflakes even though you love calling everyone else that…you are always crying the victim when people simply won’t put up with your ignorant s$%t anymore.

LOL…okay buddie. Nice try…taking someone else’s example like an hour later. So you mean to tell me it’s now ALL quests with a relationship in them that makes you say the things you said to yourself after the gay one?

Okay…you’re right…that is totally believable.

That’s why I didn’t give you an “example”. Because somebody had already mentioned the one that popped into my head first after reading your comment. I even mentioned in a previous comment that people had already given you good examples. The reason I replied “an hour later” is because I don’t sit at the forums waiting to troll people who reply to me. I actually walked away from my computer, believe it or not.

I answered your question. My answer wasn’t good enough for you. That’s fine.

Happy questing.

You really are reaching. Nowhere in my post did I specify anyone or anything. The fact that anyone feels the need to demand more inclusion is the issue. The quest line in Arden weld doesn’t bother me. I honestly don’t care, your demand for attention and more on top of more is what I have an issue with.

I am neither a bigot or a homophobe so you’re weak talking points are even weaker.

I dont recall insulting anyone. Maybe you should go outside for a walk and take a deep breath and chill out before being so offended all the time.

So any relationship in the game makes you “hate the campaign and wish I could have skipped it.” And those other relationships feel “forced” to you too? Wow…you must really hate romantic relationships in general. This is all just SO believable. See, the problem with someone like you is that you don’t know what to do with somebody who is smarter than you and who can dismantle your pathetic attempts at playing dumb about your poorly veiled homophobia. Your idiotic lies are a dime a dozen. Go bark up some other tree…you won’t win here.


To be fair, WoW is really bad at writting romance between characters. If there is any good romance, its usually in books and outside of the game. Last time we had an ingame show of romance Tyrande was screaming “My love!” for hours on end and it made me rethink about how annoying cute nicknames we give to our loved ones sound to other people around us.


Interestingly, if it is the “demanding inclusion” part that interferes with your real-worldless love of the game, then what are you doing here, in this thread about gay people, debating with me? You could be blissfully escaping the real world in the game without worrying about my or anybody else’s “demands”. And yet, here you are. How odd. Hmmm. After I have pointed this out are you still going to try to convince all of us that the existence of the quest in the game in and of it itself doesn’t just bother you a teeny weeny bit? You sticking to your story?

We need some transgender features implemented in-game aswell!

I don’t care if you believe me or not. I honestly don’t care.

In order for this to be a debate you would actually have to make a valid point.

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I made bbq ribs and twice loaded baked potato for dinner
I think I’m gonna make a cheeseburger tomarrow that sounds delicious


No real rebuttal to anything I said. Why? Because you can’t. That’s what I thought. Dime a dozen. It’s almost too easy to call you people out. You must exist in a bubble where you spout that crap and nobody around you disagrees with you, because you are not battle tested on this issue whatsoever.