More LGBT content please

Last of Us 2 was a wet dream of a man that moans whenever someone mentions the word artist around him. The entire game was a slap in the face to everyone. LGBTQ people especially got shafted in that one.


Those scenes are fun to make fun of, but even excluding that scene those two spend every chance they’ve got to remind you that they are, in fact, a couple and they do, in fact, love each other. Very much. Whoever is in charge of those two do not know how to write couples.

I don’t disagree with this. What I think the OP and I (and others in this thread) want is for it not to be a big deal when a gay person says, “I enjoyed that gay story arc for once and would appreciate it happening again.” That is all. Is that too much to ask? All of sudden people are in here acting like it’s automatically demanding special rights and pushing an agenda. As a gay person, I did that quest, smiled, felt included by Blizz and hoped it would happen again at some point and got on with stomping people in RBGs. Is that too much? Have I or the OP harmed your enjoyment of the game by having that reaction and making that request?

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Guess what? I do. A lot of players here do actually if you pay attention.

And by the way? Slapping something in a book or a game to spite people doesnt help anything, and it’s no better than the opposite.

I hereby propose we change the topic of this thread from gay representation to dunking on Last of Us Part 2.

Remember when they said we’d never have to kill a doggo in the game, and then made us kill a lot of doggos?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Hmm. I suppose? On further review though its mostly just Tyrande. Malfurion shows it by action but Tyrande loves preaching about it. I think the only time I didn’t eyeroll about her preaching about it was probably the ride to slay Ysera. Mind you, I wasn’t super invested in that conversation either but I appreciate that they were trying to emphasize that she was choosing duty over a millennia of knowing her soul mate.

It’s not too much you’re right.

It’s just the patronizing corporation suits that exploit those wants from gays into money. And then the gay community eats that crap up without realziing they’re being played for their money.

Call me cynical but im on to Disney and other companies trying to push their PC agenda just to make more money,

Sunday is gloomy
My hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless
Little white flowers
Will never awaken you
Not where the black coaches
Sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thoughts
Of ever returning you
Wouldn’t they be angry
If I thought of joining you?
Gloomy Sunday
Gloomy is sunday
With shadows
I spend it all
My heart and I Have decided to end it all Soon there’ll be candles
And prayers that are said I know
But let them not weep
Let them know that I’m glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death I’m caressin’ you
With the last breath of my soul
I’ll be blessin’ you
Gloomy Sunday
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep
In the deep of my heart here
Darling I hope
That my dream never haunted you
My heart is tellin’ you
How much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday

B-but it’s Monday…

Yes, but when wouldn’t you say that it’s an “avengers endgame girl power scene”? How will you ever know if it was forced by the devs or story writers? My concern is that every time a gay relationship shows up in this game or any other, you will say it is forced. The quest the OP mentions didn’t feel forced to me whatsoever. If felt very organic and was quite sweet, actually.

“That is art. What i make is art. The players need to feel the ART that i created. Have i mentioned the word Art, yet.”

insert south park nip rubbing gif


That I can agree with. I have always decried the gay community’s tendency to equate being advertised to by corporations with being “accepted”. True acceptance is societal rights and legal protections from hate or harm incurred solely for being gay.


True that. Those two have become increasingly annoying.

It is a video game based on us fighting evil or fighting a war. For the love of …
Just enjoy the damn game with out forcing real world stuff into it. lol

Anyone had a good cheeseburger lately?

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Also, to sorta circle back to the original topic. I hate it when companies use us as a shield away from criticism like “Look, we got gay folk in game, you cant hate on us or you are bigoted!”
Like, how does having a minority in your game as characters excuse you from having a s*itty story/gameplay? Oh…twitter crowd. Whelp, abandon ship folk, this one is lost.

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Again…you eat in the game, NPCs sleep in the game, straight characters are married in the game…and somehow that isn’t forcing “real world stuff” into the game. In fact, WoW is known for being completely full of pop culture references (you know, real world stuff). A gay relationship shows up in the game? “Enjoy the damn game and stop forcing real world stuff into it!”

This is so crystal clear…I just don’t get why this is so hard for some of you.

Couldn’t agree more. That’s what truly matters. Not some fantasy character swallowing huge stag meat.

Yes, Rep is important, just careful to not turn into a mindless sheep that asks for more and more and not see patronizing acts when they happen. If it happens a lot then all these suits will see is a gold opportunity.

Hey, give me a Finn and Shaw questline and ill be happy. I am rooting for those two to be my og gay relationship for the game. They are fun characters and have potential to give us great questlines. I love the spy/pirate stuff.


Obvious bait is obvious.

However I play the game to get away from the bs of reality. I don’t care if you’re gay straight or curved more than the tail of the dragon.

What I care about is playing the game to escape. Anyone demanding more inclusion in a game is affecting anyone trying to escape dealing with that BS in the real world.

Seriously the word doesn’t revolve around you.

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