More LGBT content please

I’ll look in to that, but the title already looks off to me. I never said I dislike gay people. I dislike the sexual acts and some of the cultural practices.

I’m not a right winger either. I’m pro legalization of herb. I’m against incarcerating people for personal drug use. I’m pro green energy. Pro animal rights. Against factory farming. Against whaling. I believe in protecting the oceans and eco systems.

I believe in equal rights for all people, not special treatment for any specific group. Perhaps that’s right wing these days. It used to be liberal.

I also don’t like some things. I’m just a person, like you.

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I can’t really find anything to disagree with you on there.

Give it a break

I humbly request you not lump us all together like that. I’m someone you would consider politically “right wing,” but that doesn’t mean we all have the same opinions on matters.

Same, I’m more right leaning yet I’m agnostic and pro gay marriage. I hate SJW PC trash.


Nice. I also dislike the way the community I happen to be part of project themselves. What good do pride parades do when people are running around in assless chaps, gimp suits, without pants or even having sex in the street? At least in other parts of the world like Japan their Pride parades are respectable. The rampant degeneracy of some make it horrible for the rest of us.


I actually used to work as a busser at the Westfield mall on market street years ago. I went out to have a smoke on my break and when I walked around the corner there was a dude doing another dude in the corner.

I found another place to take my break.

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I can appreciate your response here. I fight for all of the same things you listed.

Let me ask you this question, though: You said you believe in equal rights for all people, yes? If WoW highlighted romantic relationships throughout its history but included zero gay ones, would that be equal rights for all? Would you be outraged by that lack of equality knowing gay people exist in the world and WoW included no equal representation? After all, that is your main concern, isn’t it? Put all of your visceral “ick” reaction to two men kissing aside…just for a minute. Would what I mentioned be equal and fair for all?

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I think that is a fair point.

Fair point

I think the problem is that people confuse rights with representation.

You being represented in game is not the same or has the same priority as being able to marry the person you love and having the same benefits.

Representation is not a “right”. You’re not any less of a human in society just because you dont have a gay character in the media you enjoy. It feels good im sure, but you’re not entitled to it.

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I’m not bothered by there being gay characters in the game. If it’s some writers idea to introduce a gay character and they have a romance story as a result, it’s all good.

I don’t like when people sit down and say “ ok we got 6 straight stories guys, some one make sure to write two gay ones so it’s fair.”

If it’s organic and it’s not explicit, I’m not bothered by it.

BTW, not only this but the issue is the ridiculous contrast. You can’t put on the public equivalent of a circus carnival and then afterward try to garner sympathy by crying over how we’re the same and there’s nothing different about us. It doesn’t work.

Similarly as he mentioned earlier about the current plotline about the night warriors; I thought it was cute and relevant and mostly was done in a good, positive way. What I didn’t like about it that made me refer to it as cringy was the constant use of honorifics by not only the two lovers in question but even the supporting cast. OH MY HUSBAND, MY HUSBAND, YOUR HUSBAND? WE’LL HELP YOUR HUSBAND?!?

A line or two to establish the relationship to strangers is natural. The line being uttered no less than ten times within a small quest line is a bit much when no other relationship in WoW does that. The in your face pandering doesn’t feel like representation but show, and if that’s the kind of stuff people want I’m personally not interested.

Edit: P.S, for a relationship that isn’t campy queens jumping each other in terms of public entertainment goes I’d say Jesus & Aaron from Walking Dead. Both the show as well as comics, regardless of how you feel about their varying quality. That’s a good example of a relationship that was presented organically, didn’t strip the characters down to what genitalia they liked, and didn’t feel like pandering. Magna and Yumiko fit this too.

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I appreciate that you are listening still. Most people just stop listening or reading as soon as you start trying to explain stuff to them. Everything can be explained to an extent.
To me, gay people are a bi-product of what happens when nature is impacted by some other system in the world. Humans are inherently an invasive species on this planet, so nature likes to mess with us from time to time.
We like to think that we are above it, that what we do isn’t natural, but we are still very much impacted by natural occurrences to this day. We like to think how the survival of the fittest, doesn’t apply to us, yet we still have wars and hunger, albeit in smaller doses than ever.

With that being said, imagine if every human, ever born was healthy and would reproduce like we preach we should. The world would crumble from overpopulation and wars would be rampart. Nature sees that, and prevents it. Be it diseases, or natural occurrences like earth quakes (Covid also comes to mind), or heck, infertility.
Think of it as drawing the shortest straw on the cosmic level, and there is nothing that we can do about, than to live with it. At least, that is my take on it.

Sorry for the long post.

I used the word “rights” because Avril used it in reference to representation by calling it “special rights”. I agree rights are different than representation and have elucidated that distinction earlier in this thread.

That aside, I agree with your argument. But, let’s remember where this thread began. The OP was simply stating she/he liked the quest and wanted more. They didn’t say they felt they were less human if it didn’t happen or claim that it was a right…just that it was nice and they wanted more. Others in this thread have turned that simple request into “demanding special rights”.

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Thanks for that.

I mean, every other line with Tyrande pre-Night Warrior-ing is “MY LOVE” when anything even remotely references Malfurion, so…

But then again, everything involving Tyrande x Malfurion is cringy…

Probably cuz they don’t want an avengers endgame girl power scene feeling happen to wow.

I mean look at the last of us 2 and that SJW trainwreck.

Sure, they’re probably exaggerating but given the world we live in now its a legit concern. Like I said earlier as long as sexual orientation doesn’t define a character, meaning their development isn’t changed by what kind of genitals they like to eat for breakfast, then its good.


I swear if Tyrande mentions Malfurion in the next 2 expansions i am going to burn a tree and dance Sylvanas style.

People made fun of that a ton. Heck, even Xavius was making poking exaggerated fun about it which is what more people quote than anything.