More LGBT content please

Buy a pride flag on amazon and hang it u over your PC. There is your desired content.


I would like to see F22 raptor representation. For those that serve. That should fit into the WoW fantasy nicely.

No wait! How about we hold riots out side SW and Org for a GLM ( Gnome lives matter ) rally. I swear we will only set a few fires.

Can you explain why LGBTQ people not being in the game is an essential part of your fantasy?


Why should it be? This is a fantasy world. Not a world of politics.
Your desire to be represented in everything just makes me think you require some sort of validation for the decisions you made in life and you’re simply incapable of having a good time without unnecessary trashing everything around you with politics.

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Couple recs:

Fistful of Dollars
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Once Upon a Time in the West

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Look all I am saying is we are going to have a heist of the broker’s home world/bazaar area?

You know who was really good at Heists? Flynn and Shaw.

You know who are currently boyfriends and could be part of said heist???


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You may have misunderstood. I was asking about them, I was asking why it’s so important to YOUR fantasy.

You’re reacting very negatively to simple request for more LGBTQ character in the game, which makes it seem these people not being present is what makes it your “fantasy game”.

Did you always feel that way when something from real life is added to Azeroth? Did the addition of new human customization options in Shadowlands also make it less of a “fantasy world” for you?


You should also ask me if pink shoes transmog ruin fantasy. This is roughly on the same level of silliness that you are saying right now.

Not liking or disapproving of certain lifestyle choices is not phobic, it’s a normal reaction to something that’s wrong.

So it doesn’t ruin your fantasy? Why would you say something like “It’s a fantasy game, not a world of politics”. If I misunderstood, sorry about that, but it sure sounds like adding LGBTQ characters makes it not a fantasy game anymore.

Yes, clearly. Most people don’t want it, which is why more shouldn’t be added.

Unless you can explain what makes it wrong in a way that doesn’t involve a deity I don’t you and I have anything to discuss, Avril. It’s legal, it hasn’t been considered a psychiatric disorder since 1973, and everyone involved is happy.

Most people have the same innate reaction to something like two men kissing as they would a snake or something foul. There’s a minority that find it arousing because their wires are crossed. I’ll stick with my reaction to things to shape how I view things, not what society is trying to force me to see and feel.

I don’t hate queer people. I was born and raised in a secular household in the Bay Area. I know a lot of LGBTQ people. We get a long fine. I just don’t want to see their physical affections toward one another. Even they know that.


Do those people you get along with make out in front of you all the time? No? Why do you assume that’s what putting LGBTQ people in the game means?

I don’t think there’s been any kissing in WoW (I just recently came back so I’m not sure). But there’s definitely been NPCs with quests involving romantic elements, and plenty of characters in lore that have been married. A realistic amount of them could be same-gender and I think you’d “get along fine”, right?


Also, side note, but assuming your own gut reaction is representative of “most” people is the wrong thing. I’m ace. I think sex with anyone is gross, but kissing’s never bothered me, and most people DEFINITELY don’t find sex unpleasant.

I just love the privilege. Here’s the thing: I could care less what your “ick” reaction is. Society doesn’t owe it to you to hide certain people and their relationships because you don’t like them. The opposite, on the other hand, is not true. Representation of all of us is FAIR and required in a civil society. You can have whatever reaction you want (nobody cares as much about your reaction as you think they do you special snowflake) but don’t call LGBTQ+ people simply being visible in society an attempt to control you.


I always die a little inside when I see an obvious bait thread made by a new account accrue over 200 posts like this. C’mon, people, y’all got nothing better to do than argue about this?


Your “like” or “approval” doesn’t matter. What matters in a civil society is legal RIGHTS. And we in the LGBTQ+ are getting them more and more, LOL. So eat it. You can have whatever homophobic feelings you want, I could care less, as long as they don’t infringe on my legal rights.

Ask yourself this simple question. Does this or any other fantasy world (books, movies, games) that you have engaged with have relationships in them? Simple question. So here is another simple question: Do LGBTQ+ people and relationships exist in society? If the answer is yes to both questions (and we all know it is), then including representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in fantasy games, movies, books is simply reality…not politics. Why does representation of reality become “politics” when it is something you don’t like? Straight people have relationships, these relationships exist in our fantasy media, and I don’t think twice about it as a LGBTQ+ person. Why? Because it is reality.

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Do relationships exist in the game? Yes they do. So why can’t some of those relationships be LGBTQ+ relationships? By doing so does it automatically mean that we must include every permutation of human existence in the game? Some of you people are just unbelievably dramatic (and not too bright I’m sorry to say).